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Training Course - "Empowering through Storytelling"

Training Course

26 October - 3 November 2015 | Bruxelles and surroundings, Belgium - FR

Wondering what storytelling is about? Let us introduce you to event: "Empowering through storytelling". The aim of the project is to increase the competences of youth workers in using storytelling as a tool to reach, motivate and inspire young people.
Dear friends, wondering what storytelling is about? Let us introduce you to the event: “Empowering through storytelling”: Title: Training course (TC) “EMPOWERING THROUGH STORYTELLING” Dates: October 26th-November 3rd (TRAVEL DATES ARE INCLUDED) Place: Brussels and surroundings APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED THROUGH THE ONLINE CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS ON YEU INTRANET: http://intranet.yeu-international.org/events/details/event/64 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Objectives The overall aim of this project is to increase the competences of youth workers in using storytelling as a tool to reach, motivate and inspire young people. The objectives of this project are: -To explore the concept of storytelling and different techniques about it -To understand how youth workers can use storytelling in non-formal education activities during their work -To encourage youth workers to share their own stories (personal/professional) -To develop their personal and professional skills of the youth workers by learning how to deal with emotions, discovering more about themselves and advocating for a sustainable future for the target group of people they work with --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Methodology All the activities that are planned to be organized will be based on the methods of Non Formal Education. NFE is any organized educational activity outside the established formal system. NFE methods include: simulations, role plays, energizers, brainstorming, and discussion in small or big groups. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant’s profile This project will involve youth workers, NGO representatives, volunteers and trainers who are willing to share their own stories, experiences, willing to get involved in self-directed learning process. The participants of this project will be willing and motivated to apply the method of storytelling in their sending organizations as a tool to empower, inspire young people that they are working to take further steps and discover new things about themselves. Project will engage as well, participants with fewer opportunities on the terms of facing social or economic obstacles to be involved. The age of the participants involved in this project will be: 18-30 years old. From every partner organizations involved in this project we are requesting two participants, one male and one female in order to ensure gender balance. All the activities of the project will be implemented based on the gender based equality and rights-based approach. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Knowledge, competences and skills During the project, participants will have the chance to acquire/improved knowledge such as: -Participants will explore the topic of storytelling and how stories can be a powerful tool to bring social change -Participants will be able to discover and understand about their own potential and get inspired, motivated, empowered from each story shared -Participants will be able to apply the knowledge learned in their organization while working with young people by understanding that each person has special needs and empower everyone in their work -Participants will learn how to prepare and implement action plans As well they will acquire/improve attitudes such as: -Overcoming the fears, stigma and mind limitations -Establishing a positive thinking and attitude about life situations that happen around -Having the belief in themselves and the ability to make changes on themselves -Increasing the self-confidence and self-empowerment -Tolerance towards people’s different cultural backgrounds - Motivation to inspire young people through the method of storytelling -Improving their knowledge about Erasmus+ Programme Apart from the competences strictly related to the theme of this project, the participants will also have a chance to improve their general competences such as: 1) Ability to work in an international, multicultural environment as participants will come from different countries. When dividing into smaller working groups the facilitators will make sure that the participants are divided into multi-country groups. 2) Ability to work in a group as most of the activities will include working in smaller, multi-country groups. 3) Improving foreign language skills as all the activities will be carried out in English, which is not a mother tongue of most of the participants. 4) Tolerance towards people of different backgrounds as participants will be coming from different cultural, religious and social backgrounds. 5) Understanding of different cultures as participants will come from different countries, each having a slightly different culture. 6) Fostering the European citizenship and identity as taking part in European youth projects tends to make youth feel more included in the European society and feel more like European citizens. 7) Improving their knowledge of Erasmus + programme as the programme will be introduced to them during the training course. 8) Improving their knowledge about Youthpass certificate as it will be explained to participants during the training course All the methods used during the training course will be based on non-formal education activities, where all the participants will have the opportunity to be actively involved, discuss, share, learn from each other, critically reflect and get the best out from this training course.

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 22 participants

from Armenia, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Cyprus, Egypt, Lithuania, Netherlands, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Volunteers, NGO representatives

Working language(s):




Youth for Exchange and Understanding (YEU) is an international Non-Governmental Youth Organization established in 1986. It is a member of the European Youth Forum (YFJ) in Brussels and considered as a European level non-governmental youth organization by the European Union and the Council of Europe.

The aims of YEU are:
- To realize youth activities to foster closer co-operation and better understanding among the young people of the world, both between and within continents, particularly by encouraging the exchange of information, ideas and opinions;
- To promote co-operation and mutual aid in the developed and the developing countries for cultural, educational and social purposes;
- To work towards resolving conflicts and promotion of peaceful societies through recognition and respect for others;
- To improve the relationships and promote tolerance among young people of different cultural or political realities;
- To work together on issues related to protection of the environment and sustainability;
- To support and promote the health and well-being of young people in order to improve quality of life;
- To encourage the active involvement of all young people in society without distinction because of race, social status, educational levels or any other disadvantage.

YEU’s mission is to promote peace and to increase tolerance and awareness between different countries, cultures and traditions, and to promote a greater level of comprehension. The mission of the organization is achieved through the development of youth exchanges, seminars, conventions, meetings, study visits and training courses based on the principles of non-formal education, experiential learning and self-directed learning. In addition to that, YEU constantly analyzes the needs of young people all over Europe and aims to address them through the projects which organizes. YEU also pays a lot of attention in creating youth policies, participating in important youth events on European level and producing educative manuals.

Contact for questions:

Tamara - Giulia


Phone: -


Youth for Exchange and Understanding will cover 70% of travel costs (maximum travel costs are indicated below) from the resident country. The food and lodging cost will be covered by YEU. The participants are obliged to have receipts of all tickets they will use, boarding passes and invoices of the credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments otherwise they will not be reimbursed! In addition, the participants are expected to fully participate in the sessions unless there are health related unexpected circumstances. If there is unjustified absence from the sessions, YEU will not reimburse the participants. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer. Participation fee: 50 EUR (EU countries); 30 EUR (non-EU countries) Number of participants and maximum travel cost per country (the following amount represents the 100% of the amount from your residence to the event) Country N°PX Max. Travel cost Belgium 4 0 FYRO M 3 275 € Netherlands 3 275 € Ukraine 3 275 € Egypt 2 530 € Armenia 3 530 € Serbia 3 275 € Lithuania 2 275 € Cyprus 3 360 €

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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