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'The Get Together': Time for You - Stories, Connection, Reflection and Recharge

Conference – Symposium - Forum

26-30 August 2024 | KulturHaus, (just outside of) Bremen, Germany

'The Get Together' is about creating space and time for Youth Work practitioners and Non-Formal Educators away from the everyday business of policy, practice, programmes and strategy.

'The Get Together': Time for You - Stories, Connection, Reflection and Recharge is about creating space for Youth Work practitioners and Non-Formal Educators to come together to foster interpersonal connection, share ideas, visions, aspirations and non-work stories, spend quality time together, enjoy each other’s company and for a short period of time leave everyday policy, practice, programmes and strategy behind.

The Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar in association with NaturKultur e.V. will host ‘The Get Together’ in the beautiful surroundings of KulturHaus (just outside) Bremen, Germany from 26-30 August 2024.

‘The Get Together’ will create space for practitioners to join colleagues and peers for a few days where relaxed conversation and recharging are at the heart of the time spent together and where regular work, i.e., Erasmus+ (and similar) is left aside momentarily. Rest, connection, conversation, and recharge are very much central to the programme.

The aim of the meeting is to provide an opportunity for practitioners to connect with one another, but rather than (as is ‘the norm’ with international youth work gatherings) focus on developing programmes and projects or to discuss policy and strategy, or even the evolution of models of practice, or sample new tools or ways of working, we want to create space for individuals to engage with one another at a more informal and human level, and make time to be together, a criticism we often hear from practitioners that they don’t have enough off in the normal large in-person youth work events.

We wish to provide opportunities for practitioners to sit and chat about issues important to them (and not necessarily those of their organisation) without the pressure of having to report back or the obligation of having to create a list of actions they must implement post-programme.

We want to create time for practitioners to engage but where they are not necessarily having to represent the interests of their organisation or advocating on behalf of a community of interest.

We would like to offer space for practitioners to sit, relax and enjoy each other’s company and get to know the person rather than merely (focus on) the practitioner.

We are keen to explore moments together where the emphasis is on fun, enjoyment, and laughter, and other pro-social elements, but equally, ensure moments of serenity and calm, as well as creating memories and appreciating time together away from intense and often demanding schedules and environments that have come to dominate the Youth Work agenda.

We ultimately want to invite practitioners to be part of an experience where they come as an individual, as a human being, as the person and not solely the practitioner, and do not feel burdened with the ‘baggage’ of professional responsibilities, where they can leave their practitioner hat at the door.

Individuals will be guaranteed time to enhance their connections with colleagues and peers without the pressure of having to select and attend workshops or sessions. They will have space to explore and examine issues that they prioritise rather than those determined by policy and strategy.

This initiative is not in receipt of any funding. The Bazaar is delighted that NaturKultur e.V will host ‘The Get Together’ in their beautiful house nestled in the forest just outside of Bremen. With a desire to give back to the community of practitioners, they will not only take care of accommodation but meals also. Apart from time and energy, the only expense is travel and this will be the responsibility of participants no matter where they travel from.

‘The Get Together’ will provide space for practitioners to come together as individuals rather than as professionals and together share stories, experiences, ideas and thoughts, reflection, the outdoors, health and wellbeing activities, and learn about the non-work activities that other colleagues are involved in.

This call is open to practitioners that wish to take part, but you also have the opportunity to help shape the schedule in advance by offering something that can be part of our time together.

We look forward to seeing you in August. Join us for 'The Get Together.' You're invited!


Application Process

To Apply: https://forms.gle/Kx2nir7dhqTkto3T8

Deadline: Midnight (CET) Friday 10th May 2024



Youth Work and Trainers Bazaar:  https://www.youth-work-bazaar.net/about/

Nature Kultur e.V: https://www.naturkultur.eu/en/home/

Venue: https://kulturgruppenhaus.de/en/new-home-2/


Further Information

Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar: Fergal Barr - thekingisalive@hotmail.com

Programme Structure: Dominik Ringler  -  dominik.ringler@kijubb.de

Location and Venue: Darko Mitevski  -  darkomitevski@naturkultur.eu

Overarching Theme:  Mara R.  -  mr.erasmusplus@gmail.com

Role of Nature in the process: Dagna Gmitrowicz  -  guideinnature@gmail.com

Application Process: Sabrina Apitz  -  sabrina.apitz@googlemail.com


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Applications are closed

The application deadline was 19 May 2024.

Date of selection: 31 May 2024

Training overview


This Conference – Symposium - Forum is

for 40 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



The Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar in association with NaturKultur e.V. (Youth NGO)

The Youth Work & Trainers Bazaar is an initiative involving practitioners from the Non-Formal Education field that builds connections beyond Youth Work by exploring a range of related topics using Bazaar-style events to create enriching and rewarding experiences that fuels practitioner learning.

For more information: https://www.youth-work-bazaar.net/about/


NaturKultur e.V. is a youth association that was founded in North-West Germany and is now located in Bremen, Wiefelstede/Oldenburg and Osterholz-Scharmbeck.

The name Natur (nature) represents the physical world including all living things as well as the land and the oceans. Kultur (culture) is the totality of socially transmitted behaviour patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thought. As an organisation, we aim towards being the synergy between these two terms in all that we do.

Our main Aims:

● To create and provide international mobilities for young people in Germany.

● To encourage and support young people to go on international mobilities, but also other organisations and NGOs to host young people from all over Europe and the world or to send their members abroad.

● To provide opportunities for young people that will help them become more civically engaged in their local societies.

● To create community-based projects and activities, where young people are empowered to address issues that are relevant in our local societies.

● To share and promote tolerance, diversity, and understanding among the different cultures in Europe, in our local societies and beyond.

Contact for questions:

Fergal Barr


Phone: +447585232560


Participation fee

This event is FREE; donations to Nature Kultur e.V are welcome. 

Accommodation and food

Not Applicable

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs to and from the venue are solely the responsibility of participants. 

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