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TC Local is Europe

Training Course

13-20 April 2023 | Pinos Genil, Spain

This project aims to present the necessary tools to youth leaders to develop projects initiated, created and carried out by young people themselves with great local impact.

This project aims to present the necessary tools to youth leaders to develop projects initiated, created and carried out by young people themselves with great local impact. We want to share the opportunities existing in European youth programs (mainly small-scale partnership and solidarity projects) to put their ideas into practice through initiatives that allow them to participate directly and actively in the planning and implementation of a project.


- To present European Youth Programmes in the framework of European youth policies and strategies, focusing on small-scale partnership and solidarity projects.

- To create a meeting for potential partners that would like to develop youth-led projects.

- To explore the added value of the European dimension and international cooperation at the local level.

- To facilitate the acquisition by participants of communication, teamwork and project management skills of international activities and networking.

- To develop specific proposals for future projects of small-scale partnership and solidarity projects.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders

Working language(s):



Somos La Otra (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:



Phone: 0034691884152


Participation fee

No participation fee.

Accommodation and food

Food and accommodation will be provided from the dinner on the 13th to the breakfast on the 20th. Double or triple rooms.

Travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement will be done following Erasmus+ Program rules.Country    

Travel budget per person:

Bulgaria     360 €
Czech Republic     360 € 
France  275€
Germany   360€
Greece     360 € 
Italy     275 € 
Lithuania     360 € 
North Macedonia     360 € 
Poland    360 € 
Romania     360 € 
Spain     0 € 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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