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SoliDARE European meeting for organizations in the European Solidarity Corps

Conference – Symposium - Forum

7-11 October 2024 | Gdynia, Poland

SoliDARE aims to bring together representatives from organisations active in European Solidarity Corps programme. The event aims to consolidate and expand the community of organisations that are part of the European Solidarity Corps network.

The European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre together with Polish National Agency (Foundation for the Development of the Education System) and Romanian  National Agency (Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale) is organizing the international  event “SoliDARE”. The meeting is planned for October 2024 in Poland, arrival of the team on 7th October and departure on 11th October (a three full day event plus one day for preparation). This is the 3rd edition of a series of events that will support community building for organisations, which are coordinated by the European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre.  

The event aims to bring together representatives from organisations active in European Solidarity Corps programme. The event takes a co-creation approach and is based on participatory methodologies. The participants will co-create the content of the meeting. There will be three full working days, in which thewith the following objectives will be reached: 

1. Empower organizations and young individuals to foster solidarity within society  

2. Build a sense of membership for an ESC program community   

3. Allow space for networking and creation of future partnerships keep the communication active on the group 

Draft Program: 

Arrival day: 07.10.2024 – Welcome & Registration  

Day 1 / 08.10.2024  

09:30 – 11:00  DARE to reCONNECT (welcome & community building)  

11:30 – 13:00  CARE to NETWORK (networking session)  

14:30 – 16:00  DARE to be INSPIRED (Expert talks)  

16:30 – 18:00  SoliDARE inspiration (parallel workshops)  

Day 2 / 09.10.2024 

09:30 – 11:00  DARE to FOCUS (thematic groups)  

11:30 – 13:00  DARE to FOCUS (thematic groups)  

14:30 – 16:00  CARE to DARE (session with the EC – TBC)  

16:30 – 18:00  CARE to SHARE (study visits)  

Day 3 / 10.10.2024  

09:30 – 11:00  SoliDARE ecosystem – open space

11:30 – 13:00  SoliDARE ecosystem – open space

14:30 – 16:00  CARE to JOIN (partnership building session)  

16:30 – 18:00 DARE to plan & Celebrate (evaluation & closing)  

Departure day: 11.10.2024 - After Breakfast   


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Applications are closed

The application deadline was 21 June 2024.

Date of selection: 5 July 2024

Training overview


This Conference – Symposium - Forum is

for 80 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Project Coordinators,Youth Leaders of Solidarity Projects

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Polish National Agency (National Agency)

The European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre offers expertise for enhancing solidarity in Europe.

The event is co-organised by the European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre together with with Polish National Agency (Foundation for the Development of the Education System) and Romanian National Agency (Agenția Națională pentru Programe Comunitare în Domeniul Educației și Formării Profesionale).


  • Romanian National Agency (National Agency)
  • European Solidarity Corps Resource Centre (SALTO Resource Centre)

Contact for questions:

Joanna Jastrzebska-Zebrowska (PL NA), Miguel Tabera (ESC RC)

E-mail: Miguel.Tabera@oead.at


Phone: +48505433452

Before applying please contact the NA of your residence country to check if it is involved in this concrete project and committed to cover travel costs. NB! Learn about possible participation fee and other relevant rules.


Participation fee

This project is financed by the participating NAs of the European Solidarity Corps. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your National Agency or SALTO Resource Centre to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country. 

Accommodation and food

The hosting National Agency will organise the accommodation and covers the costs for accommodation and food. 

Travel reimbursement

Please contact your National Agency (NA) or SALTO Resource Centre (SALTO) in order to know whether they would support your travel costs. If yes, after being selected, get in touch with your NA or SALTO again to learn more about the overall procedure to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses. 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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