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Share The Right Story

Training Course

15-22 October 2017 | Ajdovščina, Slovenia

A journey trough different storytelling techniques (from tales around the fire to video games) as tools to support learning and increase the effectiveness, the enjoyment and the impact of your work with young people.
"Share the Right Story" is a Mobility of Youth Workers activity promoted by the Slovenian NGO Youth Aid Centre Association - YACA. The course wants to make trainers, facilitators and youth workers aware of the many and various uses of the non-formal educational method of Storytelling and show them how it can be used to work with young people, helping them to develop a big number of important abilities and competences in the professional and personal sphere. Our love for story is universal. And we use story all the time. Every time we understand a new set of data, learn a new skill, change an attitude, or share a part of ourselves with others, we do it through formulating some sort of a story. By using the storytelling process consciously, we can learn how to increase the effectiveness, robustness, and enjoyment of our work with young people and not only! WHAT IS “Share the Right Story” TC ALL ABOUT? The main objectives of this traning course are: -to identify and understand key elements and skills for storytelling, and explore their potential benefits for learning, personal development and employability; - to analyze the increased impact that stories (and media) have on phenomena such as “hate speech”, intolerance and open racism. We will discuss the new needs for awareness, ethics and knowledge that come with the social and digital era; - to explore the concept of “transformational storytelling”: using storytelling as an innovative tool to address change and personal development; - to use elements of gamification to make youth work more attractive and accessible to young people (especially those with fewer opportunities); - to create an international network of youth workers and organisations, able to use storytelling to develop skills and methods and to have an innovative impact on local levels. WORKING METHODS The activities will be based on non-formal and experiential learning methodologies, all centered on different aspects of Storytelling. We will work on the most classic and traditional forms (circle) to the most contemporary, like cinema, comics and videogames. The expected learning outcomes for the participants are: - to be trained on, and receive information about, innovative approaches based on Storytelling, illustrating specialistic concepts such as the Monomyth, the Way of Council, Gamification - and the work methodologies related to them - combining theory, practice and sharing reflections and good practice tips with trainers and colleagues; - to get more proficient in the understanding and use for educational purposes of Comics, Videogames, Board Games - all media very popular in the youth culture; - to increase awareness and learn how to better tackle in youth work their potential negative effects, as well: the risk of addiction and escapism from reality, the possible manipulation and propaganda uses that can be done by authorities, political and social actors, governments. - Theatre and role-playing and practices of personal storytelling. PROFILE OF THE PARTICIPANTS We expect participants that work with youngsters on local, national or/and international level and are eager to learn something new, contribute their experience and knowledge connected to the topic and are playful, active and simply believe in the power of stories, storytelling and non-formal education. Read more about a previous edition last year: https://carminerodi.blog/2016/08/22/share-the-right-story/

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 26 participants

from Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, United Kingdom

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders

Working language(s):



Društvo CPM // Youth Aid Centre Association – YACA, Ljubljana, Slovenia (Youth NGO)

Youth Aid Centre Association (YACA) is a non-profit NGO, active in the public interest in the youth sector. YACA provides quality psychosocial development for children and youth, and also develops, executes, and introduces effective methods and practices for youth work.

YACA was founded in 1999 and is specialized in the field of developing social skills; skills which are present on three levels: the personal level (self-image, problem solving, expressing ideas); the level of relationships (negotiation and cooperation, building social networks); and the level of broader society (sensitivity to others, contribution to society).

These skills are developed individually but show results in relationships and beyond in society.

Contact for questions:

Špela Gorjan

Mobile: +386 41 265 790


Phone: +386 1 438 22 10


The project has been financed by the Erasmus+ program. The costs related to accommodation and food will be completely covered by the hosting organization. The travel costs will be covered according to the Erasmus+ standards as it follows: - Italy, Hungary: 180€ - Czech Republic, Ireland, Poland, U.K., Greece, Romania, France, Netherlands: 275€ - Portugal, Finland: 360€ - Participants will be asked to contribute with a participation fee, according to the possibilities of each participant, on a sliding scale between 30€ and 100€.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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