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Safe Space Mission: Inclusion for all Genders

Training Course

22-29 November 2024 | Molfetta, Italy

A Professional Development Activity about dealing with gender-based issues

The project will consist of a 6-day international training mobility for people who work with young people to constitute a useful introduction to gender dimensions, gender-based issues (including gender-based discrimination and gender-based violence) by providing reflections and methodologies to tackle gender-based issues, specifically within the frame of Erasmus+ and ESC projects. The PDA will focus on providing youth workers with the competences to design, implement, and host their future projects with comfortable environment: creating indeed a “safe space of inclusion”.

The project aims to provide practical methods and resources for education and awareness-raising activities with young people about gender dimension and gender-based issues. 

This PDA aims at developing specific key competences which have become increasingly relevant for youth workers, aiming at organizing high-quality projects for young people. Organizing trainings of high quality plays an essential role in promoting the recognition of non-formal education and youth work. 

The training has been developed within the frame of the ETS Competence Model for Youth Workers to Work Internationally (SALTO-Youth) and specifically adapted to European youth work and the principles and values of non-formal learning. 

The direct target group of participants for this PDA are youth workers, members of organizations working with youth, and staff members of institutions or governmental youth centers. 

The main objective of this Professional Development Activity is to give participants opportunities to exchange experiences, methodologies and activities/workshops about dealing with gender to improve the quality of their projects, but most importantly the well-being of their participants.  

Other objectives include:

  • To raise awareness among youth workers to understand the meaning of gender and be able to work with and respect differences within gender dimensions;
  • To equip youth workers with key competences and resources on gender dimension and gender issues;
  • To improve the ability of youth workers to communicate with young people about recognising and preventing the manifestations and symptoms of discrimination and violence, both in relation to themselves and in relation to other youngsters;
  • To encourage and support the democratic participation of young people in participating communities, through increasing the inclusion of groups at risk of exclusion and who are dealing with gender issues, or gender-based violence or discrimination;
  • To increase the impact of the Erasmus+ project on specific indirect target groups;
  • To enhance the recognition of the Youthpass, through the recognition of the Competences of Youth Workers within the framework of  the European Training Strategy;

As a partner organization, you are expected to:

  • have the capacity to provide contributions to the timetable of activities;
  • react to our emails and other types of communication in real-time;
  • provide proper pre-departure training to participants;
  • be fully involved in the dissemination process in your Country.

The participants are expected to:

  • be youth workers who work with young people from inclusion groups and the above-described target group;
  • be staff member or a volunteer in the partner organization, organizing activities within the organization;
  • be willing to invest in their personal and professional development;
  • be motivated to try out new methods and tools and apply them with their target groups;
  • be a part of the partner organization and not fished in the web;
  • be fluent in English;
  • be over 20 y.o.;
  • fully participate for the whole duration of the project;
  • be ready to engage actively in all physical and mental activities;
  • be aware that youth worker training is not a holiday but a learning experience.

The project includes 6 days of activities, where the program covers the whole day, providing hours of activity and free time to socialize. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are included.

Participation is free.

There will be a selection process for participants interested in fully joining the PDA (application form and interview).


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Associazione InCo - Molfetta APS (Youth NGO)

InCo - Molfetta is a non-profit association, born in 2016, thanks to a group of members moving back to Apulia region after several years of mobility experience abroad. The members decided to establish a new local organization in Apulia in order to provide local youngsters the same opportunities as they had benefited. InCo is an acronym standing for "Interculturality and Communication" beacuse the main aim of the association is to put in contact different cultures. Beside that InCo promotes and supports mobility abroad, contacts, exchanges and meetings at international level; it promotes mutual tolerance and intercultural sensitivity among young people and adults; supports the unformal process of European integration in the local community; contributes at the recognition of the youth work and enhances its quality at local and national level. InCo-Molfetta's activities are addressed to create intercultural abilities and non-formal competencies for all the participants.

Contact for questions:

Elena Torelli


Phone: +393494279135


Participation fee

Participation is free of charge. There will be a selection process for participants interested in fully joining the PDA (application form and interview).

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and meals are fully covered by the project budget and organized by the hosting organization.

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs will be covered according to the distance band of the Erasmus+ Programme (Project year: 2023)

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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