European Training Calendar
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Training Course
8-16 May 2025 | Predeal, Romania
Social disengagement dramatically affects young people’s well-being, with long-term impacts, as it decreases overall life satisfaction and increases the risk of social exclusion while declining optimism about the future.
Our project answers the societal challenge of high rates of NEET youngsters due to the few attractive opportunities for their development, lack of easily accessible information about the opportunities, and low competences of youth workers in promoting such development opportunities, combined with the negative perception of the ‘alternative’ inclusion/development programs.
1. Improving the competences of 35 youth workers’ indeveloping efficient programs and empowermentstrategies by using E+ and ESC as tools for theinclusion/integration of NEET youth.
2. Promoting NEETs inclusion and youth opportunitiesamong local youngsters by learning how to write projectapplications.
3. Enhancing the capacity of 10 NGOs to empower youth inbecoming active citizens in their local communities bydeveloping common international projects.
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This Training Course is
for 35 participants
from Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Eastern Partnership countries , Western Balkan countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers
Working language(s):
CVOSI (Civic Orientation and Social Integration) (Youth NGO)
Social media platforms:
• Website -
• Facebook -
• Instagram -
• YouTube -
• Tik Tok -
Contact for questions:
Andrei sasu
Phone: +40763795403
None for us.
Everything will be covered (meals, coffee-breaks, materials, trainers, etc.). Please check the info-pack for more details.
The project is co-founded by Erasmus+ Programme.
Accommodation, food, traveling, materials, visa costs
are fully covered. All tickets are booked and bought only after the approval of COSI's staff. Only previously approved travel expenses will be reimbursed, so please do not buy any tickets until this has been agreed with the hosting organization. Participants are asked to keep all of the original tickets, boarding passes, receipts/invoices which will be collected during the training. The reimbursement process will take place after the mobility, within approx. 30 days, to the partner organisation bank account.
However, we will reimburse participants after: collecting all the travel documents (tickets, boarding passes, invoices), filling the reimbursement form, filling the final Mobility Tools online evaluation, and only if the participants were actively involved in the whole duration. We don't know yet the partners, only after participants are being selected their organisations will become project's partners, therefore, we will use the distance between the location of the NGO to Bucharest in order to calculate the maximum travel budget.
10 – 99 km 28 EUR (56 EUR Green Travel);
100 – 499 km 211 EUR (285 EUR Green Travel);
500 – 1999 km 309 EUR (417 EUR Green Travel);
2000 – 2999 km 395 EUR (535 EUR Green Travel).