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Restart Peace

Training Course

5-11 March 2015 | Serbia

The aim of TC is intercultural dialog for better understanding intercultural, international and interreligious conflicts and tensions. We will use LIVING LIBRARY as a method of social intervention to promote respect for human rights and human dignity.
The type of the project is Training Course using interactive and creative methods of non-formal education. Training aims to equip 30 youth workers/leaders with competencies to develop local and/or international projects that promote peace, inter-cultural and inter-religious dialog and are against violence and hate speech. Main theme of the project is important role of the youth as peace builders and initiators of conflict transformation processes in and between participating countries. The main feature of this training is intercultural dialog for better understanding and resolutions of the intercultural, international and interreligious conflicts and tensions. After this training participants will be able to use the Living Library as a method of social intervention. We strongly believe that methods such as living library are the most suitable to work on these topics in local community. Participants will be fully equipped and skilled to organize living library sessions in their local community. So, besides theoretical knowledge, participants will also gain practical skills to be implemented in everyday life, and also skills for conflict intervention such as: conflict mapping, co-operational solutions, methods of communication, negotiation, mediation and third party intervention, etc. Other objectives of the TC are: - To equip participants with skills and tools in order to work on conflict transformation topics in their own community and on international level. - To promote young people’s active participation in society, and especially to empower youth to take an active role in their communities in peace building and conflict transformation processes; - To promote tolerance, equality and solidarity among different cultures, nationalities, ethnic backgrounds; - To promote non formal education and non-violence as the only acceptable method for working in the field of peace building. Target group of the TC are 30 participants from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey - project managers, coordinators, young leaders, youth workers, volunteers, peer educators and also a youth activists, journalists, speakers who are active in non-governmental and non-profit organisations. Participants have to: - Be actively involved in the field of youth work/Human rights; - Be highly motivated to actively participate in the whole training course and to contribute to the development of the future projects/activities/initiatives - Directly working with youngsters in the field of antidiscrimination and peace building - Have organizational support for further activities - Be able to communicate in English

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Training overview


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This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Montenegro, Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia, Türkiye

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, , peer educators, youth activists, journalists, speakers

Working language(s):



Educational centar - Krusevac (Youth NGO)

Educational center was founded in July 2000 as non government, non political and non profit organization. The Mission of ECK is promotion and development of civil society, trough life long non formal education and support to active social engagement of youth. ECK is aimed at two areas of priorities: Implementation of life long non formal education of youth in the field of democracy, civil society, human rights, the respect of differences and culture of peace and non violence and Support of active youth participation in social life of the community. From 2006 we are accredited organization for European Voluntary Service Since 2008, ECK is a Contact point organization in Serbia, for the Youth in Action program. ECK is the member of several national and international networks: National association of youth workers Serbia, National coalition for decentralization, South East Youth European Network, Regional Youth against discrimination.

Contact for questions:

Ana Kljajic

E-mail: office@ec.org.rs


Phone: 0038162783339


The training is funded by the Council of Europe through European Youth Foundation. The accommodation, food and working material costs are fully covered. Travel costs are covered 70% of total amount of costs per participant. Visa costs for countries that need it are covered 100%. There is no fee for this training course. Please, keep all your receipts, tickets, boarding passes in order to be able to reimburse your costs.
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