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Resources for Improving Social inclusion and Equality based on applied entrepreneurial competences

Training Course

1-7 September 2019 | Port of Sagunt, Spain, Spain

RISE is a 5-day youth worker mobility Training Course.A group of 25 participants from 10 countries will work on the topics of social inclusion, equality and diversity, by developing and applying into action a set of entrepreneurial competences (Entrecomp)

Mobility for Youth Workers/ Training Course - Partner Countries
Venue: Port of Sagunt, Valencia, Spain
Date: September 1st (arrival day) – September 7th (departure day)
Participating countries: Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Albania, Armenia, Turkey,
Romania, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain
Number of participants: 25 (2 from each country; 3 from Portugal, 4 from Spain)

Specifically, we are looking for 2 participants from Greece, 2 from Lithuania, 1 from the Netherlands, 2 from Armenia, 2 from Romania, 2 from Hungary and 3 from Portugal.

  • In a Europe in constant change, with many different cultures, this training project aims to reduce racism and discrimination, and promote social inclusion, taking into account the priorities and opportunities offered by the Horizon 2020 program in social action and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). We will rely on the Entrecomp and Digcomp competences framework, as a tool to generate competences that make us think and act in an entrepreneurial way.
  • This project focuses on the education of workers of youth organizations, to inspire participants in future projects of employability and entrepreneurship, through educational methods. How to take responsibility for your own learning process (selfdirected learning) will be addressed. With this project, we will support the future and the present of workers of youth organizations, in the development of specific capacities for entrepreneurship and employment.

The objectives of the project are:

1. Offer practical tools to improve social employability and entrepreneurial skills in
projects that support inclusion, diversity, equality.

2. Support the professional and personal development of young workers and youth

3. Provide information and applicability on the Entrecomp and Digcomp competency

4. Publicize the priorities Horizon 2020, Sustainable Development Goals; and develop
social inclusion initiatives in these areas.

5.Provide useful tools and methods to use with the young people with whom you
work, in international work with young people and within the framework of ERASMUS
+ and the European Solidarity Corps.

6. Into Action: Explore and develop new initiatives for social entrepreneurship and
employability in youth work.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Armenia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, Romania

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



Emprende Empleo (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Marga Verón


Phone: +34616906883


Participation fee

No participation fee 

Accommodation and food

No organisation and costs for accommodation and food 

Travel reimbursement

Maximun amount to be reimbursed:
275 euros for each participant from: Albania, Italy, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands
360 euros for each participant from: Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Turkey
530 euros for each participant from: Armenia

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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