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PERSE Training for Youth Workers


15 October - 8 November 2021 | Italy

The Training for Youth Workers is conceived to develop innovative learning tools for youth workers specifically interested in one or all of these fields, to foster skill-building and competencies to reinforce creativity in youth as a key competence.

Are you an educator or a trainer for young people (aged 15-29)? Would you like to learn innovative tools in education? Do you believe in creative thinking as a way to foster a new mindset for future generations?

CREATIVE THINKING is defined as the thinking that enables students to apply their imagination to generate ideas, questions and hypotheses, experimenting with alternatives and evaluating their own and their peers’ opinions, final product and processes.

CREATIVITY is a recognised transversal skill for both ART and STEM disciplines and a fundamental driver for innovation. However, there is still a lack of holistic pedagogical approaches that can strictly connect them.


The PERSE project, co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme of The European Union, aims at developing and formalising a creativity-oriented pedagogical approach that overcomes the dualism among non-formal/informal education for ART and STEM.

Art-based learning + Inquiry science based learning + Technology-based learning = STE(A)M.

The project is run by 7 partners in Italy, Greece, Portugal, France, Martinique: Consorzio Kairòs, Inter Alia, Social Hackers, D’Antilles & D’Ailleurs, Nisi Masa, Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Casa da Imagem. More info on www.perse-method.org/partners

The Training for Youth Workers is conceived to develop innovative learning tools and resources for youth workers specifically interested in one or all of these fields, to foster skill-building and competencies to reinforce creativity in youth as a key competence.


 PERSE Training for Youth Workers will be a free international networking opportunity, to explore new ideas and a practical training opportunity to foster professional development.

During the 24h online classroom, you’ll learn from our European partners about the PERSE method, based on a peer-to-peer process of merging different informal and not formal educational practices, under the validation of our Scientific Didactic Committee (Consorzio Kairòs, Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Casa de Imagem, Inter Alia).

At the end of the training, every participant will have the chance to pitch their educational module, developed during the 12h of project work tutored by our partners in each country.

The best 5 to 7 projects (1/2 for each country) will access the opportunity to continue the collaboration with the project in 2022 and be included in our next programme addressed to young people.


Online Classroom: October 15 – 30, 2021, Learning Platform: Google Classroom + Zoom, 8 sessions (3 hours e.o.)

Project Work: November 1 – 8, 2021

12h tutoring to be defined if online or offline, depending on the tutoring partner

The programme is articulated in 8 online sessions:

Welcome to PERSE method → 15th October, h 14 CET | Inter Alia,  Education as a process, applications of education, non-formal learning & learning by doing (1 module)

Social inclusion for educators → 18th October, h 14 CET | D’Antilles et D’Ailleurs, What’s social inclusion? Obstacles to social inclusion, multisensory approach, value the voice of vulnerable and discriminated groups.

Technology Based Learning → 19th October, h 14 CET | Social Hackers, Definition of technology , Technology Based Learning introduction: Internet of Things, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), Gamification, Mobile Learning, QR Codes.

Art Based Learning → 20th October, h 14 CET | Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Educating on ART through ART, the political meaning of Education, Learning from Experiencing, Planning an Experience based on ART education.

Art Based Learning → 22th October, h 14 CET | Fundação Manuel Leão – Casa da Imagem, Main principles of art-based learning methodology,intervention objectives of the activities, designing a workshop from a scientific concept, experimenting the methodology.

Audiovisual work as an approach for educational purposes → 25th October, h 14 CET | Nisi Masa Basics of smartphone videography, storytelling using composition and lighting, audio-visual work with children / youth, hands-on exercises and real-life examples.

Inquiry Science based Education → 27th October, h 14 CET | Consorzio Kairòs, Active involvement of the learners in their own educational process, exploration into play, experimenting creativity in a non-judgmental context, relevance of making mistakes.

To shape a PERSE educational module → 29 th October, h 14 CET, Recap of previous modules: lessons learned, to do and not to do, message in a bottle from PERSE project: our common practice, basic structure of the project work.

Participation is warmly recommended, but recordings will be available to every participant for a maximum of 2 sessions. Before starting, a local welcome meeting will be organised in presence or online by your tutoring partner. During each online session you will have the opportunity to be in dialogue with experienced trainers, all the materials to go deeper in our methodology, a breakout room to work in with colleagues and discuss how to apply the tools we proposed on the case study you’re dealing with. A set of facilitators and one representative of the case study organisation will always be with you!


 PERSE Training for Youth Workers is designed for educators, students in educational courses, scientific and artistic experts and communicators who aim to develop an educational approach or already have a basic experience in education. We’re looking for curious people that are willing to challenge themselves and explore new ideas, for professionals that feel the need to develop new tools and approaches to bring into their job, for changemakers who want to enhance their international network and explore other experiences and perspectives.

Criteria for the selection*:

  • 3 years of University studies minimum
  • some previous educational experiences
  • expertise in one of the 3 fields (Art, Science, Technology)
  • English level: fluent
  • very good attitude at working in group
  • availability to carry on the collaboration with the project in 2022

*We welcome applications from all youth workers, regardless of race, religion, class, gender, sexual orientation, or disability.


  •  > A high profile learning opportunity involving speakers and mentors with long experiences in the fields;
  • > The chance to explore and try out a new approach to work with young people, in a practical way. 
  • International networking and peer learning.
  • As a participant to PERSE Training for Youth Workers, you will get access to:
  • > 8 live online training sessions to explore our method;
  • > 12h tutoring to develop your ideas;
  • > A digital space with plenty of materials and resources related to PERSE topics;
  • > The broader PERSE community, made of hundreds of cultural professionals from all over Europe and beyond
  • > 3 certifications (EU Youthpass, PERSE passport, Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea)


 PERSE Training for Youth Workers is open to a maximum of 42 people in Italy, Greece, Portugal, France and Martinique. We ask you to check your calendar and set the dates in your agenda.

The Scientific Didactic Committee – composed by Consorzio Kairòs, Dipartimento Educazione Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea, Casa de Imagem, Inter Alia – will select participants balancing the already mentioned criteria and the country you’re living and working in (depending on the specific requests of the Erasmus+ Programme)

You can apply in English by filling in this online form https://bit.ly/PERSEapplication

For further information, please contact us to info@perse-method.org

INFORMATIONS Find more on www.perse-method.org , or our facebook page: @perseproject






Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This E-learning is

for 42 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers, Professionals in Art or/and Science

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Consorzio Kairòs (Others)

Contact for questions:

Nicoletta Daldanise


Phone: +390112207819


Participation fee

No participation fee

Accommodation and food

Participants can follow the sessions online

Travel reimbursement

Participants can follow the sessions online

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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