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Partnership-building Activity

24-29 May 2016 | ISTANBUL, Türkiye

We will have a chance to search ways of Social inclusion strategies for youth with fewer opportunities with participant country members. We will have a chance to build new partnership chances to produce new projects related with the topic.
Social inclusion is a term that can be used to describe a series of positive actions to achieve equality of access to goods and services, to assist all individuals to participate in community and society, to encourage the contribution of all persons to social and cultural life and to be aware of and to challenge all forms of discrimination. By ensuring that the marginalised and those living in poverty have greater participation in decision-making which affects their lives, will allow them to improve their standard of living and overall well-being. *** What are the factors of social exclusion? • Lack of money or other resources • Discrimination against particular groups or categories of people • "Physical" barriers such as a lack of transport or the absence of services/facilities in an area • Lack of confidence to participate in society • Lack of skills/qualifications which may be needed for social and economic participation. For example, in addition to poverty, other factors that might cause people or communities to be socially excluded might include their: • social background; • inability to drive a car; • inability to qualify to join a particular group or association; • locality or district lacking, or having restricted, access to adequate facilities and amenities; • reduced or limited opportunities for social engagement or career prospects. Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities An important priority for the European Union is that the Youth in Action Programme should be accessible to everyone, including young people with fewer opportunities. Young people with fewer opportunities are young people that are at a disadvantage compared to their peers because they face one or more of the situations and obstacles mentioned in the non-exhaustive list below. In certain contexts, these situations or obstacles prevent young people from having effective access to formal and non-formal education, transnational mobility and participation, active citizenship, empowerment and inclusion in society at large. We will understand the different Social and Economical obstacles, Disabilities, Educational Diffuculties, Cultural Differences in different participant countries. We will try to find appropraite partnership alternativies to produce innovative ways to help youngsters in fewer opportunities. This will be an unique opportunities for create new paths of cooperation. The activity will start on 24/05/2016 at 9,00 and will end on 29/04/2016 at 18,00.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Partnership-building Activity is

for 30 participants

from Austria, Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers

Working language(s):



Otamış Geleneksel Sanatlar Derneği (Otamış Traditional Arts Association) (Youth NGO)

Otamış Geleneksel Sanatlar Derneği was founded at the end of 2012 by 20 volunteers who would like to dedicate their future to the non formal education and development of young and adult people. The objective of the organization is to develop the public and personal skills and attitudes of participants by using so called "outdooractivities", and applying the methodology of experiential education (learning by doing - planning - evaluation). Our organization focuses on increasing the feeling of personal and social responsibilities, sustainable environmental education, helping the development of life-leading skills. Our organization gives the possibility to use the world of experiences as classroom, to discover and develop your hidden resources throughre all adventures and challenges.

Contact for questions:



Phone: 00905057276027


Otamış Geleneksel Sanatlar Derneği (OGESAD) will cover 70% of travel costs (maximum travel costs are according to Erasmus+ YOuth Programme limits) from the resident country. The food and lodging cost will be covered by OGESAD. The participants are obliged to have receipts of all tickets they will use, boarding passes and invoices of the credit card that was used for buying the tickets for online payments otherwise they will not be reimbursed! In addition, the participants are expected to fully participate in the sessions unless there are health related unexpected circumstances. If there is unjustified absence from the sessions, OGESAD will not reimburse the participants. All participants will be reimbursed after the event by bank transfer. COSTS: Accomodation and full board will be covered by organisers. The travel costs will be reimbursed up to the lumpsum mentioned below: All EU programme countries (including Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaycan) Participation fee: 30 EUR (EU countries) Ahmet DEMİR E-Mail: ogesad@hotmail.com Phone: +905057276027
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