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Our Future 2

Training Course

30 October - 8 November 2022 | Żywa Ziemia /Living Earth (close to Gdańsk), Poland

With Our Future project we provide space for people to create a long-term vision of the world they want to live in.

With “Our Future” project we provide space for people to create a long-term vision of the world they want to live in. The project consists of two mobilities, this invitation is for the second one.

The first mobility (June 2022) was dedicated to exploring existing alternative solutions around education, nature preservation, food sourcing, businesses, communication and other crucial aspects of our life. We got to know those solutions, critically analyse them and discuss what we want to take from there to our journey toward a new vision and what we would rather improve or leave behind. Analyzing existing solutions brought hope and belief that change is actually possible and enriched our own view with elements which were already tested and proved functional. 

During the second mobility (October/November 2022) we will dream together about the world we want to live in, learning and practicing techniques of both individual and collective envisioning. We will also plan actions which can bring us closer to the world of our dreams.

Main objectives:

  •  Creating new visions of the world which brings motivation and direction to our actions.
  •  Exploring and learning from already existing alternative solutions.
  • Preparing actions which will bring us closer to the vision of the world we want to live in.

Additional objectives:

  • Developing skills of critical thinking, individual and collective envisioning, creating and implementing social actions and equipping youth workers with tools which help them develop those skills with young people
  • Promoting existing alternative solutions in fields of communication, education, business, agriculture, etc, showing that an alternative world is not only possible, but till some extend it’s already there
  • Bringing back hope and motivation, often quenched due to the pandemic and its consequences 
  • Reenforcing the bonding among partner organizations, creating long term collaboration plans based on the shared vision of the world we will create during this project
  • Refreshing youth work approaches and techniques to embrace a wider perspective
  • Involving young people into collective dreaming, supporting them by giving tools to define their dreams, goals and directions
  • Evaluating tools (with focus on critical thinking as well as individual and collective envisioning) used during the training and improving them for further use after the project ends, with next target groups


Participants of this project should fulfill the following criteria: 

  • experience and good understanding of the needs in the field of youth work as well as good understanding of the situation of young people in their local community and/or national context,
  • at least a basic understanding of non-formal education purposes, framework and educational approaches, 
  • motivation to take part in a mutual exchange and learning process held in an intercultural setting within a transnational team,
  • good level of English,
  • ready to devote their time and work to the project in all phases.

There is no age limit in the training course, we always try to bring different perspectives - from young adults till experienced middle or even senior age practitioners. As much as in the case of gender or origin, we believe in the power of diversity and putting together various perspectives. 

ACCOMMODATION: The training takes place at Żywa Ziemia (Living Earth), located in Zakrzewo, close to Gdańsk, Poland. Żywa Ziemia is a natural farm promoting healthy living, permaculture and sustainability (https://www.facebook.com/ZywaZiemia/). They provide shared rooms, multiple training spaces (including beautiful outdoor spaces, presence of animals and other living beings as well as solitude and natural surroundings reducing “city” distractions) and vegetarian/vegan food, partly produced at their farm.

COVID SITUATION: As organizers, we will make sure to meet  COVID restrictions and recommendations by the regulator, adjusting accordingly our program, accomodation, etc.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Estonia, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Activists working with youth, Educators

Working language(s):




KobieTY (Kobiety.lodz.pl) is a non-profit, apolitical, non-governmental consulting-educational organization.
Our main goals are:
*creating intercultural bridges between local and international people
*promoting diversity, interculturalism, the idea of volunteering (both on local and international level)
*identifying needs of our local community according to our mission and answering them through international projects in our work

Contact for questions:



Phone: -


Participation fee

As personal costs participants are obliged to cover for their personal insurances (health, liability, travel cancellation and covid coverage) and for small ticket fees (lower than 10 PLN / 2,5 EUR per ticket).

There is no additional participation fee.

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and meals included in the programme are 100% covered. Due to the current pandemic situation we are paying careful attention to the hosting situation and accommodation of participants. More detailed information about this topic will follow.

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs are covered up to the Erasmus+ distance calculator corresponding amounts, using the cheapest and most convenient transportation methods.

The maximum amounts for involved countries are:


Greece: 275 EUR

Poland: 180 EUR

Portugal: 360 EUR

Spain: 360 EUR



Estonia: 320 EUR

Italy: 320 EUR

Romania: 320 EUR

The Netherlands: 320 EUR

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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