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  3. OPEN RURALITY_exploring rural social innovation generators and co-define new rurality

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OPEN RURALITY_exploring rural social innovation generators and co-define new rurality


12-17 September 2016 | Seclì (Lecce), Italy

We will share a week in Luna_laboratorio rurale, in order to explore and analyze rural social innovation related topics, establish common definitions, analyze current models and best practices all around Europe, expecially in the participant countries.
OPEN RURALITY gives space and voice to our definition(s) of "rural social innovation", facilitating critical reflection on what is meant by this tag, globally and locally, in Europe and in particular in the countries involved in the project, allowing us to participate actively in the international debate and creating a dimension of "open rurality" through the dissemination of project results. The aims of OPEN RURALITY - Increase in participants the level of awareness on the issue of rural social innovation and its high potential impact in social change; - Trigger a peer-to-peer learning process and methodology through NFE/NFL by sharing best practices, experiences and rural social innovation projects, with particular reference to the participating countries; - Establish a "common understanding" on the topic; - Compare the "common understanding" with direct experience in the field, meeting local rural-social projects locate near the venue of the seminar; - Create and disseminate, with a shared communication strategy, an "open database" containing all the information and data co-generated during the seminar. The seminar will include a special day of exploring the field of rural social innovation, during which we will encourage personal and group empowerment, personal and group problem-solving attitudes, in order to enhance the language and emphatic skills, to improve intercultural awareness and open up synergies with rural-social local organizations and projects. Participants also will be invited to prepare themselves for the workshop by collecting in a pre-departure research all the possible information about stories, projects, laws and statistics related to the issue of rural social innovation in their countries. >> OPEN RURALITY will welcome participants interested and motivated to participate in a shared learning process on issues of rural and social innovation taking place in rural areas, with diverse backgrounds: we would like to recruit participants who already have a compatible background with the central theme of the project, like "young neorural innovators" or "willing-to be", interested in deepening and expanding on the international front their knowledge/ideas in the field of social innovation, with particular reference to its rural applications and the potential for development that results at the local and international level. >>> Regarding accommodation: particular feature of our seminar is that we will host participants in tents :-) all the necessary and needed things like showers, toilets are provided in the building/house of the venue. Participants need also to bring towels.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 22 participants

from Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, "young neorural innovators" or "willing-to be"

Working language(s):



ITACA // LUNA_laboratorio rurale (Youth NGO)

Cultural organization based in Galatone, a small town near the city of Lecce, a nice place in the south of Italy, in Apulia region.
ITACA, thanks to the volunteers and the local community, is the creator of Luna_laboratorio rurale, a place ready to welcome activities of rural social innovation.

Why we named the project “Luna_laboratorio rurale”?
“Luna” means “Moon” – this is the name of the rural district where we’re based and also the popular name of the nearby little church dedicated to St. Mary of Constantinople. The district is placed at the crossroads of 4 small towns: Galatone, Galatina, Aradeo and Seclì.
“laboratorio rurale” means “rural laboratory” - because the main idea is to create a local landmark, an open and creative place, where people of all ages can learn from others, share experiences, grow together and create a new rural community, to build up a different future with new models of development.

We are cultivating the fields, we want to manage technical trainings, to promote innovation, protect the land and co-generate common values and employment opportunities. We want to promote traditions and make them the starting point for local development, creating positive circles of cooperation.
We believe that Luna_laboratorio rurale can become an experience of sustainability, promoting circular economy, not wasting any products and constantly reusing and rethinking everything.

Our adventure has just begun!


  • Officine cittadine (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Arianna Tosi

Website: http://openrurality.eu/call4pax


Phone: (39)3270071701


We will be able to reimburse your travel costs up to the following maximum amount: Italy: 0 EUR Portugal: 360 EUR Spain: 360 EUR France: 275 EUR Cyprus: 275 EUR Greece: 275 EUR Romania: 275 EUR Food and accommodation is covered 100%. There are no additional participation fees.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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