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Online Training of Multipliers “GloRe Certification Network”

Training Course

21-31 May 2021 | Online, Spain

Learn about GloRe Certificate global platform to recognise the soft-skills acquired by your ESC/local volunteers. Discover how to join The GloRe Network and acquire new competences to support your volunteers with mentorship tools.

The Training of Multipliers

GloRe is the certificate platform developed to provide volunteers worldwide the possibility to get an informal recognition of the soft-skills acquired and shown while volunteering, either to international or local volunteers. This training is part of the Capacity Building in the Field of Youth funded by Erasmus+ “GloRe Certification Network” and will provide the participants with the more important competencies to use the certificate platform and to support the learning process of their volunteers. 

The training will be online and consist of various activities based on non formal education methodologies with the support of interactive online tools. Moreover, in between the sessions (see the attached program) participants will have to follow 2 online training modules through Canvas. The methodologies used during the training have been already used for in-person training on this subject in Latin America in the framework of GloRe Certification Network Capacity Building.

When/what (see program attached):

- Friday 21th May 2021: (10 am-1 pm CET): get to know each other activities, organisation presentations

- Monday 24thMay 2021(10 am-11.30 am CET): Getting familiar with the GloRe platform (part 1)

- 1st online module via Canvas

- Wednesday 26th May 2021: (10 am-12 pm CET): Getting familiar with the GloRe platform (part 2)

- Friday 28th May 2021 (10am-1pm CET): Tutoring tools (part 1)

- 2nd online module via Canvas

- Monday 31st May 2021 (10 am-1 pm CET): Tutoring tools (part 2).


The training will be online on Zoom while the individual tasks will be performed via Canvas LMS platform. It is necessary to have a good internet connection, the participation with a computer (not with the phone) and the possibility to use google tools (Jambord, Google Drive etc) and other interactive tools (paddle, mentimeter etc).

The project

The training of Multipliers is part of “Global Recognition Certificate network”, a project funded by Erasmus+ Programme (European Commission – EACEA-KA2 Action), Capacity building in the Field of Youth.

The project aims at boosting the development of the formal network of organisations that use the GloRe Certificate System and to increase the quality of the Certification System and it sees the contribution of 14 project partners, 7 from Europe and 7 from Latin America: Joint (Italy), Rota Jovem (Portugal), My Small Help (Peru), SVI (Belgium), Grenzelnos (Austria), Jeunesse et Reconstruction (France), Brujula (Spain), Team4Youth (Romania), Bolivia Digna (Bolivia), Voluntario Global (Argentina), ICYE Brazil (Brazil), Vimex (Mexico), Fundacion Bolivar Education ( Ecuador).

The platform

GloRe is a certification platform that allows both international and local volunteers to receive a certificate with recognition of the soft-skills they acquired while volunteering. 

The latest version of the platform, launched in March 2021, enables users to get a certificate either in English, Turkish, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese. Volunteers have the possibility to go through 26 e-learning modules, that help them in assessing their level in each soft-skill (the ones certified by the platform) and in creating a short dossier about their learning. At the end of the process the host organisation will validate the certificate, taking responsibility for approving the information on it. The platform is complementary to the Youthpass and is meant to provide volunteers with a flexible and reliable certificate, while investing a few hours on it. The certificate is recognised internationally by the members of The GloRe Network international community and by several educational and public institutions.

The GloRe Network

The GloRe Network is the umbrella organisation that overviews the correct usage of the platform and the memberships. Other organisations need to become members of it in order to use the certificate platform.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Eastern Partnership countries , Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Western Balkan countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Associazione Joint (Youth NGO)

Joint is one of the biggest and most innovative Youth Association in Italy. It is the Italian member of ICYE global network, the coordinator of the Italian Network for European Volunteering (RIVE) and the coordinator of an informal network recognized by European Union counting on 232 international partners. Joint focus on providing learning opportunities to young people through international experiences such as European Solidarity Corps, International volunteering, Work Camps, local and international Training Courses, Youth Exchanges and Capacity Building Projects focusing on advocacy, active participation, intercultural learning, locial entrepreneurship and sustainable tourism.
Associazione Joint was founded in December 2003 and its mission is to provide non-formal education opportunities for young people through international mobility.


  • The GloRe Network (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

GloRe Team

Website: http://glorecertificate.net



Phone: +39 02 56 56 87 79


Participation fee

Not any

Accommodation and food

Not any

Travel reimbursement

Not any

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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