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15-21 November 2004 | Minsk, Belarus

Iinternational festival of independent culture
Call-out: We would like to invite the collectives, groups and individuals busy in independent art and culture in all parts of Europe to come to Belarus and share their experience and ideas with people from former Soviet Union countries like Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Moldova and Caucasian Republics in the forms of discussions, exhibitions, talks, debates, videoshows, concerts and fun. Everybody, who is interested can participate. If you would like to come and represent your collective and find partners for your cultural projects, you are welcome. We are also loking for artists and musicians, who can come and perform at the festival in Minsk. We would like to give the possibility to meet each other for people from Western and Central/Eastern Europe and people from Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Moldova and Georgia; - to make contacts and exchange information; - to discuss the problems, which the independent cultural groups can meet in different countries for their activities; - to promote independence, creative attitude and non-profit approach in cultural activities; - to initiate cultural projects between mentioned CIS countries and European cultural organizations. The organizations involved: EYFA - Amsterdam the Netherlands; Navinki, Tretya Zmena, New Faces - Minsk Belarus; political-cultural center ACU - Utrecht the Netherlands; Metelkova - Ljubljana Slovenia; MORE ZVUKOV cultural network - Rotterdam the Netherlands; SKIF - St.Petersburg Russia. The hosting organizations of the meeting are: "Navinki" and "New Faces". "Navinki" activities are concentrated on cultural projects (independent music recording, newspaper "Navinki" publishing, filmmaking, theater, discussion club, political cabaret etc); it's also a major source of information on relevant issues (big DIY library, mailing lists etc). Besides cultural activities "Navinki" are also involved in democratic mass media issues, human rights, media campaigns against racism and xenophobia, environmental campaigns. The "New Faces" is a youth union, which is based on the principles of tolerance, openness, equality. Using alternative methods it is helping Belarusssian youth to form the active civil position and giving the possibilities for its development and realization. ACU political-cultural center in Utrecht. The ACU operates independently of (municipal) authorities, is non-profit and is run by volunteers. The venue has validated its existence in Utrecht's political and cultural life for more than two decades. Currently, the ACU hosts a wide range of activities including: a bar, food, concerts, dance nights, political info nights, poetry events, squatters' advice bureau, a food coop, info shop Schism, kurf [a local antifascist organization], benefits, parties, a venue for meetings and much, much more... Programme: The programme will be done by YOU! Make your proposals, if you want to participate. For: - info-workshops about cultural projects you are doing; - discussions on the ideological questions connected with cultural issues; - exhibition of cultural organizations (attending the meeting) in Minsk; - pictures, paintings, collages, etc; - films and videoart; - tactical media and counter information; - video about cultural events in different countries; - concert (bands, DJs, VJs). Venue: The meeting will take place in the hosting complex "Stayki" near to Minsk (20 km).

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Other is

for 100 participants

from Eastern Partnership countries , Southern Mediterranean countries , Western Balkan countries

and recommended for

collectives, groups and individuals busy in independent art and culture

Working language(s):



Navinki & New Faces (SALTO Resource Centre)

Contact for questions:


E-Mail: natasha@eyfa.org

Phone: .


needs to be checked with the organizer
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