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LinkMeIn - Youth Policy & Practice


10-13 December 2013 | Budapest, Hungary

The seminar offers a platform for reflection, connection & transfer between EU youth policy developments, research and practice. The focus will be on three fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy: EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL INCLUSION and PARTICIPATION.
LinkMeIn aims to offer a platform which allows keeping track of, reflecting on and strengthening the connection and transfer between EU youth policy developments, other youth-related EU policies as well as research and practice. The seminar will focus on three fields of action of the EU Youth Strategy: EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL INCLUSION and PARTICIPATION with a particular attention to young people with fewer opportunities. The role of youth work will be discussed as a cross-cutting issue. Objectives of the seminar: • Support participants to better understand the developments and achievements made within the past 2-3 years in youth-related policy areas. • To look at the benefits and challenges for youth work and for the various organisations carrying out youth work in a broader sense. • To reflect on the role and limits that youth work has in supporting the increasing political demands and in responding to the challenges young people are facing. • To exchange practices on transferring European youth policies to local and organizational level. • To connect the youth work at European level with other sectors and financial instruments dealing with employment and social inclusion; looking for future possible synergies for example in the frame of Erasmus +. Target group Representatives of European and national umbrella NGOs and youth councils, national NGOs participating in Structured Dialogue activities and National Agencies of YiA; active in linking and transferring European Youth Policy strategy to their work and willing to further develop that link and transfer. Further and most uptodate information is available at http://www.LinkMeIn.eu/

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for ca. 40 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Target group is described more explicit in this call

Working language(s):



YiA NA Hungary - National Institute for Family & Social Policy (National Agency)


  • British, Bulgarian, Czech, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Polish and Slovak “Youth in Action” National Agencies (National Agency)
  • SALTO-YOUTH Training and Cooperation and SALTO–YOUTH Participation Resource Centres (SALTO Resource Centre)

Contact for questions:

Ildikó Gulácsi & Ágnes Horváth


Phone: +36 1 237 6762


Non-YiA National Agency (NA) staff: Food, accommodation and travel will be covered by the cooperating YiA National Agencies. The Hungarian NA will reimburse the travel costs and will reduct the reimbursment by 20€ because of the obligatory co-funding rule of NAs Cooperation and Training budget. Participating YiA National Agency staff: The Hungarian NA will invoce participants after the seminar for related expenses. Travel need to be financed by participating NAs. Participants will receive further detailed information after the selection of applicants

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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