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Learning from S.P.A.R.R.O.W.S.

Training Course

4-13 December 2023 | Ecovillage Torri Superiore, Italy

A training course for youth workers, activists and educators about social permaculture, sustainability, creativity, inclusion and migrations. We will apply permaculture design to the reality of the "edge" and explore the concept of the border.

The need of ensuring a fair and decent livelihood for all people, regenerating nature and enabling biodiversity to thrive require systemic changes that cannot be achieved only through political agreements, financial incentives or technological innovations. Education plays a crucial role in achieving long-lasting change, and we believe that social permaculture can offer a set of skills, tools and methods that can effectively support  educators to achieve this change.

We invite you to join  a training course for youth workers that will happen in the ecovillage Torri Superiore in December 2023. The participants will be 27 youth workers from 11 countries that  will get the chance to immerse themselves in the local reality and design an intervention combining elements of community building, weaving networks, support for migrants and refugees, social innovation, arts and creativity. 

After the activity, a group of filmmakers will produce a short documentary about the experience and the participants  will be asked to implement a creative intervention in their home country to apply what they learned.



  • social permaculture
  • permaculture for refugees
  • art on the edge
  • environmental ethics


The mediaeval village of Torri Superiore is a small jewel of popular architecture located at the foothill of the Ligurian Alps, a few kilometres from the Mediterranean Sea and the French border, close to the coastal town of Ventimiglia. Originating in the thirteenth century, the village is structured in three main bodies with more than 160 rooms, all connected by an intricate fabric of stairways.

Its complex structure has often been compared to a fortress or a labyrinth, perched on the mountainside. The village has been entirely restored and is now open to ecotourism, for courses, meetings and programs of environmental education, and offers accommodation for stays and vacations. Its location close to  the border between Italy and France, at the foot of global migration routes, makes it the perfect starting point to explore the concept of the edge from many points of view.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 27 participants

from Croatia, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders


Cooperativa Ture Nirvane (Others)

Ture Nirvane Società Cooperativa a r.l. was founded in 1999 to transform the abandoned mediaeval village of Torri Superiore (13th century) into a thriving ecovillage centred on a holistic vision of sustainability that includes ecological, economic, social and cultural dimensions. The restoration of the ecovillage continued until 2016 and the transformation into a Social Community Cooperative in 2020 allowed the cooperative to fully realise its vocation of social innovation and synergy with the territory. The cooperative now runs a guesthouse that has been completely renovated and is open to the public, where people can learn about the resident community's activities and take part in volunteering activities, courses, workshops and various involvement opportunities that bring together visitors and the local community.

Contact for questions:

Dario Ferraro


Phone: +393203309911


Participation fee

No participation fee required.

Accommodation and food

All costs will be covered by the Erasmus+ programme.

Travel reimbursement

Participants will have to buy their tickets in advance and will be reimbursed after the activity. If this arrangement is an obstacle to your participation, please let us know.

The tickets will be reimbursed up to a maximum amount that depends on the country where the travel starts. To be eligible as a participant, your country of departure and arrival have to be the same.


210€ from Italy

275€ from Greece

320€ from Croatia, Spain, Portugal, France, Slovenia, Hungary, Netherlands, Poland and Serbia


To reduce the project’s environmental footprint, all participants except those coming from Greek islands will be asked to avoid flying for travelling to and from the training. Please make sure that you are comfortable with this condition if you apply.

Participants from Hungary, Netherlands, Poland and Serbia will also be refunded for the costs of a maximum 1 overnight stay that they need to spend while travelling each way. Only for participants from Spain and Portugal  the maximum number of nights will be 2 each way (4 in total). You will need to provide a proof of payment (tickets, etc.) and the maximum amount is 65€ per extra night. Food expenses along the way are not covered.

IMPORTANT! Please note that this measure is not intended to support holidays or other detours before or after the training, and that the amount spent will be refunded only if it is part of a coherent travel plan coming from and going back to your place of residence.


Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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