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International Training Seminar "German language and youth services"


7 May - 4 June 2011 | Tübingen, Germany

Youth workers from 10 countries will have the opportunity to learn German and to get to know the German child and youth services
Opportunities for learning German and to get to know the German child and youth services are available to youth workers on a special training seminar held from 7 May to 4 June 2011 in Tübingen, Germany. The four-week seminar is provided for foreign youth workers who are beginners in German: ‘zero beginners’ without previous command in German as well as so-called ‘false beginners’ with little previous knowledge in German not exceeding the level A1 of the Common European Framework of References for Languages (CEFR). The course will comprise 26 youth workers from 10 countries: the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, the UK and the Ukraine. An additional one-week job shadowing programme will be offered to three participants of the seminar, the stay in Germany thus being prolonged for one more week until 11 June 2011. Candidates must be at least 18 years old. They have to be engaged in their national child and youth services on a professional or voluntary basis and should be actively involved in international youth exchanges, especially with Germany. They must have a fair command of English, since all information during the specialised programme on youth work as well as on organisational matters will be provided in English. Participants will be accommodated with German host families.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 26 participants

from Other countries in the world

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):

English and German


IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (Youth NGO)

IJAB - International Youth Service of the Federal Republic of Germany (formerly: International Youth Exchange and Visitors’ Service of the Federal Republic of Germany ) is a central specialist agency for international youth policy, international youth work and youth information which works on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ).

Contact for questions:

Katrin Schauer; Elke Metzner

Website: http://www.ijab.de


Phone: +49-228-9506-107; -106


Course fees as well as room and board will be borne by the German side. Travel costs to and from Germany must be borne by the participant’s side.
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