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Inner Pathways

Training Course

8-14 June 2024 | Bátonyterenye, Hungary

This workshop on Storytelling and Fairy Tales is tailored for youth workers seeking to enhance their professional skills and personal well-being.

What is “Walking on your Inner Pathways”? 

We're thrilled to introduce our new initiative, "Walking on Inner Pathways." This project is designed to support youth workers and adult educators who are facing burnout, exhaustion or considering leaving their profession, as well as to aid their learners from disadvantaged backgrounds, including the unemployed, disabled, refugees, and those living in rural areas.

Our approach includes organizing two residential learning sessions Inner Pathways 5 days in Hungary (current call) and a Walk to Assisi 10 days in Italy (September 2024), and launching a preparatory online course, providing ongoing mentoring, and conducting various dissemination activities. Our ultimate goal is to boost the resilience and well-being of both youth workers and their young participants, helping them to integrate more effectively into a long term youth work practice.

This project is built in collaboration with Kulcs Association Romania- https://www.kulcs.ro/ and Libero Pensatore Italy - https://liberopensatore.it/it/ and mutual learning, tapping into a decade of exceptional adult education/youth work experiences shared among our partners. We're committed to exchanging insights, developing innovative tools, and applying best practices learned from our residential sessions across participating countries and beyond.

The objectives of "Walking on Inner Pathways" include:

  • Enhancing the quality of youth work and learning.
  • Improving the resilience and well-being of all participants.
  • Creating sustainable career paths for both learners and facilitators
  • Fostering collaboration among diverse groups.
  • Implementing a common framework based on resilience tools.

Our innovative methodology blends folktale therapy, storytelling, and informal outdoor walking courses inspired by non-formal education-based "pilgrimages," tailored to the specific needs of the participants involved. We also offer a suite of accessible tools, including individual and group activities, a "Heartland" online resilience course, and guidelines for overnight walking programs.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 20 participants

from Hungary, Italy, Romania

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders

Working language(s):



Origó Műhely/Origo Workshop (Youth NGO)

The Origó Műhely/Origo Workshop was founded in 2021 summer as a registered Nonprofit LTD. organization, however many of its original members had already been developing and testing mental health and related non-formal (online and offline) methods for more than 10-15 years.The aim of the workshop/organization is to create space and time for well-being, recreation and resilience building for young people and for their youth workers, psychologists, social workers, teachers, youth leaders. Its ars poetica is to find inner balance, healthy relationships in life and in purpose (work), run sustainable life, and the ability to resource oneself and others.
Website: www.theorigoworkshop.com

Contact for questions:

Zsuzska Juhász


Phone: 00362536919


Participation fee

30 EUR

Accommodation and food

All costs of food and organisation are covered by the Erasmus plus fund.

Travel reimbursement

Country of origin

Maximum travel budget / person

Hungary 50 EUR

Italy 300 EUR

Romania 120 EUR

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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