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"inFormal" COACHING

Training Course

18 March - 31 July 2017 | Russia and, Germany

We are happy to launch call for participants for the «inFormal-COACHING» long-term training course, which is the first of additional courses in the frame of a holystic long term project "inFormal - integration of non-formal approach to the formal system".
We are happy to launch call for participants for the «inFormal-COACHING» long-term training course, which is the first of additional courses in the frame of a holystic long term project "inFormal - integration of non-formal approach to the formal system". This LTTC targets participants coming from formal and non-formal background willing to learn how to use coaching as a tool for youth empowerment in order to address multiple issues that young people struggle with at everyday basis. MAIN OBJECTIVES: - To learn what is coaching and it can be applied to the youth work - To learn about different coaching models such as GROW and others - To learn what is individual and group coaching and how it can be applied in the youth work and training - To learn how to use and adapt coaching methods and tools easily in their daily work; - To strengthen the learning process by implementing the full coaching cycle: set goals, identify new possibilities, make decisions, take actions, and reflect; - To work on personal and professional development in order to improve theirs and others’ employability prospects; - To raise awareness of the entrepreneurial learning potential with coaching tools; - To unite efforts of youth workers coming from formal and other youth field backgrounds for youth empowerment at local level by using coaching principles - To build a cross sectorial network and to create joined actions for address in current challenges - To build a necessary set of competences for proficient use of NFE instruments and coaching tools for youth empowerment at local level - To provide the opportunity to assess the quality of coaching process - to understand the value of personal development through feedback This long-term training course will consists of 3 parts: 1. inFormal COACHING, part 1 will take place in Rostov Velikii, Russia [7 working days from 18-26 of March 2017] - and will aim to acquainted participants with the different models and instruments of transformational coaching, and to build skills in using those models at everyday basis. 2. informal COACHING PRACTICE - the practical phase between two trainings, when participants will use coaching in their working realities, as well as will get an opportunity to pass through the online learning experience. 3. inFormal Coaching part 2 will take place in Weimar, Germany [7 working days in July 2017] and will focus on mastering the skills in coaching, reflection on the practical phase and experimenting with different models, instruments and tools. PARTICIPANT’S PROFILE: 1) Educators coming from formal l education system (professors, teachers) 2) Psychologists, social workers and school coaches and mentors from the formal (educational) institutions 3)Youth workers dealing with pupils, students and staff from formal education system as main target group Participant should be ready to be fully involved in all stages. We expect participants to follow all three phases of the training. VERY IMPORTANT: Participants should be committted to participate in the both stage and the online phase. VENUES: The first stage will be run in Rostov Velikiy, Russia, the second in Weimar, Germany

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 28 participants

from Albania, Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Republic of North Macedonia, Russian Federation, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Educators from formal schooling

Working language(s):



Academy of innovation and Culture goes Europe (Youth NGO)



Contact for questions:

Natalia Skorik


Phone: +79181256352


FINANCIAL CONDITIONS: The travel costs reimbursement will be based on the travel distance that will be calculated using the distance calculator of the European Commission. Full board (meals and accommodation) is covered 100% as part of the activity. Travel limist per participant per country for the first phase in Russia: Germany, Estonia, Belarus, Ukraine: 275 euro France, Albania, Makedonia, Italy, Greece: 360 euro Travel limit per participant per country for the second phase in Germany: Greece, Estonia, Macedonia, Italy, Ukraine,Albania, Belarus, France - 275 euro Germany, Czech Republic - 180 euri The visa costs will be covered. There will be a participation fee of 50 euro for each activity.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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