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In the flow

Training Course

1-9 September 2021 | Penzion Statek Habří, Czech Republic

The In the flow is a 7-day training course (+2 travel) that offers the space to 30 participants to explore the unique combination of embodiment and mindfulness techniques.


> a 7 day long training course to explore the unique combination of embodiment and mindfulness techniques that can be used in daily life

> a moment to relax, tune in with yourself and nature, focus on simplicity, a space to get into your own flow

> an opportunity to move, play, observe, listen, share, experiment, challenge ourselves, learn from within and from each other, get to know new people, ways & attitudes, and create this experience together.

We will be 30 people from 9 European countries, going through an experiential program: movement, mindfulness, rituals, reflections, meditations, community building ventures, nature-based activities, improv techniques and more. We also invite all the participants to co-create the program, share and learn from each other. All of this will be guided by an experienced team in a supportive and safe environment.



> Cultivate your personal and professional life while using your body & mindfulness tools

> Discover methods to tune in into the unfolding moment and nourish your ability to be present

> Leave behind old patterns and automatic responses, developing more options

> Train your sense of initiative and improve the quality of your actions

> Find ways to be more resilient and empathic

> Become familiar with different dimensions of listening & expressing yourself

> Refresh curiosity and playfulness in approaching your daily life and work



You are in the right flow for the project, if you are:

> an active youth-worker, facilitator, volunteer or a person who works with other people

> willing to refresh your skills and attitude through your involvement in the project

> highly motivated to put in practice your learnings during the follow up period

> 18+ with advanced knowledge of English

> resident of the Czech Republic, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Bulgaria, Portugal, Slovenia or Spain


Infoletter: bit.ly/InTheFlow_info

Application form: bit.ly/InTheFlow_apply

Deadline to apply: 13 August 2021

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 30 participants

from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



YOUnique (Youth NGO)

YOUnique organization was born in 2019 out of a vision of creating opportunities for young people and youth workers to realize their unique potential for the benefit of their own and the whole society.

The main area of focus is to support wellbeing, inclusion, active citizenship and empowerment of the youth and developing methodologies for the personal & professional growth of the youth workers. We put a strong focus on accountability and taking initiatives as inclusion starts with ‘I’ and use experiential learning methods to encourage this perspective. Our main methodology is embodiment and nature based education.

Our mission is to help these people unlock and unlock their full potential, creativity, and expression.

Our main activities are:
- organizing and hosting international learning experiential programs within the Erasmus+ framework (youth exchanges and training courses, long term solidarity projects)
- partnering with international NGOs & providing mobilities for educational Erasmus+ programs for local youth and youth workers, trainers, coaches, mentors and other professionals
- sending young people to local and international volunteering projects within ESC program (we are accredited with Quality Label as a supporting organization)
- hosting and supporting local projects for high school students (Zažehni jiskru project), also kids and wider audience (Bojovat Srdcem project)
- activities that promote active involvement in the community with positive outcomes (volunteering, creative events for wider audience, connecting various groups)

Contact for questions:

Veronika Pavlova


Phone: +420603723763


Participation fee

Regarding the participants’ contribution, we would like to open the sliding scale from 0-75€ and let you decide by the end of each training course whatever you feel is fair and suitable according to your situation.

Accommodation and food

Fully covered by the Erasmus+ program.

Travel reimbursement

Participants will be reimbursed the exact amount of travel money they spent and up to set limits:

  • Czech Republic 20€
  • Slovenia, Hungary 180€
  • Bulgaria, Italy, Greece 275€
  • Cyprus 360€
  • Portugal, Spain 530€ 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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