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IN & OUT 3

Training Course

15-21 June 2025 | Dolný Vadičov, Slovak Republic

We successfully organized the IN & OUT training two times. Due to its impact, we are launching IN & OUT 3, a training course for youth workers aimed at enhancing their competencies, skills, and knowledge in indoor and outdoor youth activities.

IN & OUT 3: Enhancing Youth Work Competencies

About the Project:
Following the successful implementation of the IN & OUT training courses over the past two years, we are excited to launch IN & OUT 3, a specialized training course for youth workers. This program aims to strengthen participants' competencies, skills, and knowledge in facilitating both indoor and outdoor youth activities. Due to the significant positive impact of previous editions, we are continuing this initiative to empower youth workers with practical tools and experiences that can be shared within their organizations.

The training will take place in Slovakia, Kysuce region, from June 15th to 21st, 2024 (with June 15th and 21st designated as travel days).

Objectives of IN & OUT 3:

  • To enhance youth workers' competencies in planning and delivering indoor and outdoor activities for young people.
  • To provide hands-on experience and practical tools in first aid, group dynamics, and survival skills.
  • To foster international cooperation and the exchange of best practices among youth organizations.
  • To promote the inclusion of participants with fewer opportunities and empower them to become active contributors within their communities.

Profile of the Target Group: We welcome applications from:

  • Youth workers and youth leaders actively engaged in youth work.
  • Individuals interested in developing their skills in both indoor and outdoor activities.
  • Participants who can implement and share the knowledge gained within their sending organizations.
  • A sending organization must support each applicant.
  • Priority will be given to applicants with fewer opportunities, ensuring an inclusive and diverse participant group.

Methodology: The training is based on non-formal education methods and emphasizes experiential learning. Participants will engage in:

  • Interactive Workshops: Practical sessions to develop skills through direct engagement.
  • Experiential Learning: Hands-on activities to strengthen competencies in real-life scenarios.
  • Peer Learning: Encouraging the sharing of experiences and best practices among participants.
  • Reflection and Evaluation: Regular opportunities for participants to reflect on their learning process and apply it in their work.
  • The program fosters personal and professional growth through a balance of theoretical input, practical application, and reflection, ensuring a comprehensive learning experience.

Program Highlights: The training course is structured around the 5 ELEMENTS of Youth Work:

  • INspiration through trying OUT new activities
  • Exploring innovative methods and approaches for youth engagement.
  • INtensive first aid training for yOUTh workers
  • Providing essential first aid skills tailored to youth work contexts.
  • OUTline of group dynamics and cooperation
  • Understanding and managing group dynamics to foster effective teamwork.
  • OUTdoor survival activities IN the forest
  • Practicing basic survival skills and their application in youth activities.
  • OUTstanding team games INside
  • Developing and facilitating interactive team-building activities.

Practical Information:

Location: Kysuce region, Slovakia

Dates: June 15th – 21st, 2024 (June 15th and 21st are travel days)

Language: English (working language of the training)

Participants are expected to actively engage throughout the entire training course and share their learning outcomes within their sending organizations after the program.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, We invite youth workers and youth leaders who are interested in both outdoor and indoor activities and have the capacity to share the knowledge and experiences gained with their respective organizations. Each applicant must be supported by a sending organ

Working language(s):




KERIC je nezisková mimovládna mládežnícka organizácia, ktorá pracuje s deťmi a mládežou vo veku 4 - 30 rokov, ale i s dospelými z regiónu Kysuce. Ponúkame rôzne aktivity s medzinárodnou dimenziou, ktoré rozvíjajú osobnosť detí a mladých ľudí a líšia sa na základe potrieb jednotlivcov a skupín. Snažíme sa o spojenie nášho regiónu s Európou.

Contact for questions:

Miriam Petríková

Website: http://www.keric.sk



Phone: 00421908913995


Participation fee

30 € - payment for the first aid training

Accommodation and food

We will organize and provide accommodation and food for all participants. Accommodation will be arranged in shared rooms to encourage interaction and peer learning. The costs for accommodation and meals during the training will be fully covered by the organizers.

Travel reimbursement

Travel budget:

Distance Band Standard Travel Green Travel

100–499 km €180 €210

500–1,999 km €275 €320

2,000–2,999 km €360 €410

Green travel is recommended

Travel expenses reimbursed post-training; travel documents and boarding passes required.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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