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Training Course

1-29 December 2021 | Zoom, Netherlands

Do you want to find a playful way to resolve painful conflicts? This training course, designed for youth and social workers, will give you tools and exercises to explore conflict as a learning opportunity and to gain confidence in mediating conflicts.

Hello, there!

What do you do when you face a conflict? Maybe you give your best to avoid conflicts in your work with people? Or you are immediately looking for a compromise? In some situations, do you become a people-pleaser in order to escape the discomfort of facing a conflict?

What do you know about conflicts? 

For us, conflicts are the best learning opportunities. We developed a simple method that allows us to explore conflict and learn from it in a playful and light way. 

Our main tools are Improv and Nonviolent Communication and we designed this training course, so we can share our skills with you in 5 online sessions. 

In those 5 sessions you will learn and experience:

 - the basics of Nonviolent communication

 - Improv games and exercises

 - Body awareness exercises

This course is designed for social and youth workers and aims to empower them to react in an effective way in situations of conflict. It is based on our experience in working with young adults, people in prisons and people with disabilities. We love people and we love to be able to hold the space for them not only in their good moments but also when anger and pain come. 

If you are curious to explore with us the field of connection in conflict, join! 

Dates: Wednesdays - December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29
Time: 18:30 CET
Each session is 90 minutes.
Place: Zoom
Methods: Improv, Nonviolent communication tools, Conflict resolution
What you will learn:
 - Basics of Nonviolent communication
 - Styles of conflict
 - How to mediate conflict
 - How to use Improv games in conflict 

Price: 60 Euro for 5 Sessions.

More information you can find here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1iUIh2dADEFML2AgZbzh4dxAoR3iZwdxW/view?usp=sharing 


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 15 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):




Association "ALTER Network" is Bulgarian non-governmental organization, registered in Bulgaria wtih UIC 206307717. Our mission is to create learning opportunities for young people by implementing theatre-based methodologies. We are doing this because we believe that education and creative expression are the fundaments for a world where each human being has the right and the ability to express themselves freely and shamelessly. The main methods that we use: Theatre of the Oppressed, Clowning, Improv, non-violent communication.


  • THAMBOS (Others)

Contact for questions:

Joanna Nikolova


Phone: +359890521282


Participation fee

60 euros per 5 sessions

Accommodation and food


Travel reimbursement


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