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How to fight and forestall extremism

Training Course

21-28 July 2017 | Kuusamo, Finland

The training course "How to fight and forestall extremism" will take place in Oivanki village, North-Finland and will involve 25 youth workers from 6 Programme Countries.
The European Union is a homeland of Democracy, Human Rights, Tolerance, and Understanding. As a success shared with all the world Europe respects the rights of persons belonging to minorities, their freedom, and human dignity. Although it is becoming more and more noticeable the fact that recent years we often hear calls for extremism and xenophobia. This happens simultaneously with the flow of refugees from Southern and Eastern borders to Europe. While several countries and societies organize to host refugees, who left everything in their motherlands, EU residents witness also calls for extremist actions by marginalized political powers. Being concerned with extremist movements in Europe, rising xenophobia, and Islamophobia among European youth, we consider it highly important to gather active young people, youth workers, and activists to discuss questions of multicultural society, inter-religious and intercultural dialogue as well as to think about possible solutions leading to tolerance, integration, and multiculturalism. The training course "How to fight and forestall extremism" will take place in Oivanki village, North-Finland and will involve 25 youth workers from 6 Programme Countries. During the Training course, we will look deeper into the issues of extremism, migration, discrimination, nationalism, intolerance and intercultural misunderstandings. The Training Course will support young people and active youth workers to learn about the ways of living together, accepting differences and fighting together against extremism and xenophobia in these turbulent times. Our aim is to empower youth workers and youth leaders with skills, knowledge, and attitudes to play an active role towards an intercultural society. Our objectives are the following: - To re-explore the key concepts, such as stereotypes, prejudices, discrimination, extremism, intolerance and their transformation in European reality - To analyze what are the main reasons for the rise of Extremism in different European countries - To discover the right attitudes towards an intercultural society - To promote active citizenship, international dialogue and non-formal education - To analyze the European values and how they can be used in contrasting those phenomena. - To develop new projects promoting tolerance and multiculturalism The TC will foster the participants in the acquisition of learning outcomes necessary to fight and forestall extremism. The project will improve the participants professional development, their involvement as considerate and active citizens in society, raise participants' awareness and understanding of other cultures and countries, offering them the opportunity to build networks of international contacts.

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 27 participants

from Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Finland, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



Nuoriso-ja luontomatkailukeskus Oivanki (Youth NGO)

Nuoriso-ja luontomatkailukeskus Oivanki is a Youth Centre. It is a non-profit organization and it is owned by the town of Kuusamo (" Yleishyödyllinen tytäryhtiö") though it is run as a LTD-company, with separate budget lines for youth activities which are controlled by the Ministry. Yearly there is approx.
12000contacts/overnight stays/contacts of young people in the centre.

One or our key values and main topics is to serve and support the youth work and education sector. Oivanki works as a regional resource centre for youth work development, for example, organising seminars, training courses, thematic projects and international cooperation among youth work and education. In this application our centre goes under the name Oivanki OEC.

Contact for questions:



Phone: n/a


Travel costs Travel costs according to the participants' countries (180 Euro Travel pop-up was done to all the calculations) Belgium 455 EUR Finland 20 EUR Greece 540 EUR Italy 455 EUR Spain 710 EUR The Netherlands 455 EUR More information, please refer to the info-pack. The food and accommodation is provided. More information, please refer to the info-pack. There is no participation fee for this TC.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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