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Training Course

2-10 September 2017 | London, United Kingdom

The ITC “Homogeneous” is a new unique project design for 45 Youth leaders, youth workers and NGO representatives coming from 14 different countries across Europe.
The main goal of the project is to organize an international training course in which will be involved 45 Youth leaders, youth workers and NGO representatives coming from 14 different countries across Europe. The countries are: UK, Malta, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey. The international training course will ensure the professional and organizational development, and the fostering of new partnerships and projects, making a big impact in our lives. The international training course will take place in the wonderful country side area of London – UK, for 9-day, 02-10.09.2017. Our ITC will be based on non formal education, learning-by-doing methods, inter cultural dialogue and communication. Will be conducted by using an interactive and participatory approach. MAIN ELEMENTS OF THE COURSE  To develop a common understanding of the concept of leadership and explore instruments for its promotion among groups of young people in civil society  to explore the concept of entrepreneurship and sustainable social initiatives, and to see how it applies to the participants at professional and personal level  To encourage exchange of good practices related to innovative youth projects tackling refugees crisis  To generate new project ideas and build new partnerships across UK, Malta, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Portugal, Slovakia, Spain and Turkey  building up competences of the participants and the partner organisations in relevant areas of management for related to youth projects.  supporting process and development: how be a good learner and how to be creative  action planning for sustainable future development  at personal and professional level (as entrepreneurs and active European citizens)  at organisational level, to ensure sustainability in initiatives and development  at international partnership level, via future joint actions and projects.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 45 participants

from Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Türkiye, United Kingdom

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers

Working language(s):




Act For Grants – A4G is a NGO working in the field of non-formal education. Acting at the European level to promote active citizenship and intercultural exchanges, A4G also organizes seminars, training courses, workshops in order to stimulate the ex change of knowledge, competences and experiences in social and cultural fields.

Contact for questions:

Adrian Gheorghe


Phone: +44(0) 743 635 88 81


The following conditions can be offered: •International travel costs are reimbursed up to the following maximum amount of total travel costs (100%) per person: UNITED KINGDOM 0 EUR, MALTA- 360 EUR, ROMANIA- 360 EUR, BULGARIA- 360 EUR, CROATIA- 275 EUR, FRANCE- 275 EUR, GREECE- 360 EUR, ITALY- 275 EUR , LITHUANIA- 275 EUR, POLAND- 275 EUR, PORTUGAL- 275 EUR, SLOVAKIA- 275 EUR, SPAIN-275 EUR, TURKEY- 360EUR. •board, lodging, local transports, all materials and the content of the training course are fully covered for a participation fee of 65 £ and ACT4GRANTS will issue an invoice to each participant. •you are in charge of arranging your own insurance for your travel and stay in United Kingdom.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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