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Home away from Home – empowering local NGOs to take an active role in the migrants’ integration process

Training Course

5-14 October 2019 | Aveiro, Portugal

"Home Away from Home - empowering local NGOs to take an active role in the migrants’ integration process" aims at providing participants first-hand information about immigration in Europe and practical tools that can be used when working with this topic.

This TC is designed to introduce participants to the topic of migrations and current situation in Europe regarding migrants and refugees while sharing with them tools for fighting discrimination and building a more inclusive society.

WHAT? „Home Away from Home“ is a 10 days TC with the objective of providing participants with theoretical and practical knowledge related to the current migrant and refugee situation in Europe, and providing them with tools for understanding this problem, for fighting discrimination and building their community into more understanding and inclusive one.

WHY? From 2015 until today, during “European Refugee Crisis”, millions of refugees and migrants have had their desperate journey to Europe, coming mostly from war-torn Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan. These people came running away from unbearable life conditions in their countries, searching for safety and future for themselves and their families. Their way to Europe is full of obstacles and difficulties and what they encounter once they finally reach Europe might be devastating. They become subjects to discrimination, stereotypes, exclusion, and unfortunately even violence. At the same time, media are either not reporting about it or they're sending incorrect, exaggerated and even dangerous information. All this creates an atmosphere of lack of understanding, discrimination, and prejudice towards refugees. In order to make the first steps towards the change of this atmosphere, we would like to provide young people with the knowledge and tools they can use to make the change.

HOW? Through workshops, lectures, interactive presentations, and discussions hosted by experts on the subject, participants will learn and practice different approaches to this situation which will hopefully inspire them to act and to implement new inclusive projects in their own local community.

WHO? 25 participants from 6 countries - Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal.

Application Deadline is August 5th.



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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Agoraveiro (Youth NGO)


Contact for questions:

Natacha Costa


Phone: 00351234482575


Participation fee

There is no participation fee for this TC.

Accommodation and food

Being this TC granted by Erasmus+ programme, accommodation and meals are provided to participants free of charge.

Participants will be accommodated in shared multiple-bed rooms in Aveiro.

Travel reimbursement

Being this TC granted by Erasmus+ programme, travel expenses will be reimbursed to the participants up to the limit established by Erasmus+. 

These limits are:

Portugal: no reimbursement
Ireland and Italy: 275 euros
Croatia, Bulgaria, Greece: 360 euros 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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