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Training Course

16 June - 1 September 2021 | Zoom, Netherlands

Growing sustainable business is the path towards a sustainable future. We can bring our visions to life and make a positive impact! This programme includes 12 group coaching sessions, 12 business lectures, step-by-step support and individual coaching.

Business for us is a political act that brings our visions into being. It is the brave act of stating what I want this world to be when I leave it. And we so much want to support businesses and business ideas that will bring better connection between human beings and nature, better living for the people and holistic life experience for many. 

We developed a 3-month business programme that combines personal development and business training. Since we work mainly in the field of youth, the programme is designed for youth workers, ESC mentors and ESC volunteers and youth leaders. 

In the past months, we were working with more than 90 professionals who work with young people: educators or social workers. We found out that many of those people have powerful ideas on how to grow in their field and bring value to more and more young people and children. And most of those people were lacking knowledge on how to make their projects and dreams come true.  We were fascinated by the ideas of ESC volunteers and mentors on how to solve local problems with sustainable and affordable products. We were devastated by the enthusiasm ad the motivation of all those people to make our planet greener and human beings healthier and happier.

With this programme, we aim to support youth and social workers, ESC volunteers and ESC mentors, youth leaders with business ideas that will bring sustainability and growth to their local communities. 

Who are we?

Environ.Mental is a personal development platform that supports people to take care of their mental wellbeing and personal growth by connecting with the environment and bringing sustainability in their daily life. 

We work mainly with youth workers, ESC mentors, ESC volunteers, expats and students abroad. We are the people you call when you need clarity and structure and connection with your RAW, AUTHENTIC and UNAPOLOGETIC self. 

Environ.Mental is Joanna and Zsofi! Zsofi is a well-recognised mental health coach with a lot of experience in non-formal education and adult education. She is passionate about building her van and exploring mental health as a house that needs everyday care. Joanna is doing Body Awareness and Theatre of the oppressed training courses, with a background in Cultural Anthropology, she now travels and explores language, communication and mindfulness. 

On this programme, we work together with YuYa consult. Yulia and Yana, the humans behind the brand, are experts in supporting people who go from dreaming to business. They have years of experience as social entrepreneurs and business consultants. I the past few years they was mentoring more than 300 people and 9 NGOs with huge success. Last year with their "BOSS - Business Owner Successful Story" project they supported 87 unemployed people to start their successful business and empowered many others. 

The programme:

  •  12 business lectures that will give you the knowledge you need to develop your idea and start your business
  •  12 group coaching sessions that will support you to do one step after another in a safe environment of like-minded people who are working in the same field
  •  2 Mastermind groups: to brainstorm and network
  •  2 Business consultations where you will receive the answers to your questions
  •  2 personal Development coaching sessions will support you to overcome your fear and limiting beliefs.
  •   1 Telegram support group!

The price:

 - Regular price: 700 Euro (3 instalments)

 - For youth and social workers: 560 Euro (3 instalments)

 - For ESC volunteers and ESC mentors: 350 Euro (3 instalments)

When we say SUSTAINABLE, what we mean is:

 - you want to make a positive impact on the environment

 - you want to provide good working conditions for you and your team

 - you want to build a business in a sustainable way: with care for your own mental health and the people who are important to you! Without burnouts & creativity droughts!

Please, read our Info Letter. After we receive your applications, we will contact you for a short meeting, so that we are sure that we can work together. 





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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 10 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, ESC Volunteers

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Unfolding - Training and Coaching (Others)

Unfolding - Training and Coaching is a Dutch company that provides training and coaching opportunities for young people and youth workers.


  • YuYa Consult (Others)
  • Thambos (Others)

Contact for questions:

Joanna Nikolova

E-mail: ioanna.nikolova14@gmail.com


Phone: +359890521282


Participation fee

700 Euro

50% discount for ESC Volunteers

20% discount for youth workers

Accommodation and food


Travel reimbursement


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