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Green Big Bang - Green practices in Youth Work

Training Course

19-26 June 2023 | DINAN, France

Training course in France, Dinan city Topic: Environment, climate changes, green practices and green lifestyle For: youth workers, youth leaders, mentors 19th-26th of June 2023

If you are from Portugal, Romania, Greece, Bulgaria or France; interested in Environment and Climate Change topic; working with young people or preparing youself to work with young people; willing to actively be involved in a training course from 19th to 26th  of June that will happen in a rural area of Bretagne region (France); willing to share from your experiences and knowledge about green practices and a sustainable lifestyle; ready to be involved in a multicultural and intercultural educational activity; curious to find out more about sustainability life style around the medieval city Dinan in France and to visit some local farms and pedagogical gardens; you already know some things about the nonformal education and the Erasmus+ program? Then this event is for you! 

The Green Big Bang Training Course (TC) is a training course for 25 youth workers, trainers, youth leaders and mentors from Greece, Bulgaria, Portugal, Romania and France (5 participants/country). The topics that will be tackled during the TC: sustainability, environment and climate change, green skills and green competences. It will be a 6 working day TC (19-26 June 2023) about how to develop greener strategies and methodologies, about creating more sustainable activities and how to attract young people towards such a lifestyle. The program will have interactive and outdoor activities, community interventions and visits to pedagogical gardens and collective and cooperative initiatives. The venue is in a small rural area surrounded by nature and very close to Dinan, a medieval city in Bretagne region (France).


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Bulgaria, France, Greece, Portugal, Romania

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors

Working language(s):



En Root Association (Youth NGO)

En Root Association promotes educational and cultural activities in the rural area of Bretagne region (France), close to Rennes city and around the medieval city, Dinan. All the work in En Root Association is volunteer based. Our work and our activities take place with the respect of human rights, the respect of nature and the environment and for the personal, social and professional development of all individuals.

Contact for questions:



Phone: +33 6 34 64 13 68


Participation fee

No participation fee

Accommodation and food

All costs for accomodation and food is covered by the Erasmus+ program. The participation of all persons is free of charge. 

Travel reimbursement

The travel costs will be reimbursed based on invoices and travel tickets provided by the participants. The maximum amount that will be reimbursed:

Portugal – 360 euros/person

Greece – if Green Travel (bus, train, car sharing) = 400 euros; Plane travel = 350/person

Bulgaria - if Green Travel (bus, train, car sharing) = 380 euros; Plane travel = 330 euros/person

Romania - if Green Travel (bus, train, car sharing) = 320 euros; Plane travel = 275 euros/person

France – 10 euros/person

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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