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"Future Starts Today"

Training Course

2-12 September 2023 | a hike from Daugavpils to Aglona, Latvia

The aim of the training course for youth workers “Future starts Today” is to reconsider the tendency to overconsumption and to appreciate the sustainable values of quality time with people, nature and inner selves through pilgrimage type hiking.

Arrival day 2.09, departure day 12.09.

The training course is a combination of a non-formal education and a pilgrimage hiking from Daugavpils to Aglona. Every day we are going to walk, so in total we will walk ca 90 km. 

The aim of the training course for youth workers “Future starts Today” is to reconsider the tendency to overconsumption and to appreciate the sustainable values of quality time with people, nature and inner selves through pilgrimage type hiking. To fullfil the idea of the project TC "Future Starts Today" planned for 2-12 September 2023, 25 participants from Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Greece, Belgium, Malta, Sweden, Norway will make the pilgrimage type hiking of over 90 km of Daugavpils-Aglona route, on their way exploring various spiritual techniques and searching ideas for combating dependency on things to share with young people. The TC is designed for youth workers who are interested in combating their own and young people's dependency on things and overconsumption and try to survive with the needed minimum in practice, being present here and now, appreciating the quality time and finding inspiration in spiritual techniques to fight against young people's depression and low self-esteem. These will be youth workers dealing with youngsters, especially with psycho-social difficulties- in their daily work, using various methods.

Most of the activities are arranged by the Latvian HO Miromida under the coordination of Belgian applicant Joetz, but all the partners and participants are supposed to be equally involved into the active participation. Main activity is the pilgrimage type walk, combined with spiritual techniques and discussions on healthy life-style and overconsumption as an inspiration to combat young people's tendencies to overconsumption, depression and low self-esteem.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Belgium - DE, Belgium - FL, Belgium - FR, Czech Republic, Greece, Latvia, Malta, Norway, Poland, Sweden

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):



Joetz (Youth NGO)


  • Miromida (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Kristina Castronovo


Phone: +37129394618


Participation fee

No participation fee

Accommodation and food

All the project expenses are covered by the Erasmus+ funding. Please, be aware, that some nights we will spend in tents. It is important to pack and bring a proper backpack following the further instructions. 

Travel reimbursement

Travel budget limit per country per person:

Belgium 275 eur

Czech Republic 275 eur

Latvia 23 eur

Poland 275 eur

Norway 275 eur

Sweden 275 eur

Malta 360 eur

Greece 360 eur

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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