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Follow the impulse of your inner artist

Training Course

7 May - 17 July 2019 | Hungary, Netherlands

The aim of the long-term TC is to introduce improvisational methods in youth work and to combine them with artistic activities to improve group learning processes.

In the field of non-formal education and youth work, artistic forms of expression are  significant for several reasons. Art has a huge potential for self-development and different artistic methods are powerful in self-exploration and self-discovery. They support us to connect with ourselves and with others. When we create, we express more than we are aware of. It is about our inner world, our inner child that very often is forgotten because of social and cultural constructs.

Artistic methods are very useful tools to work with various topics and different target groups and have the potential to create an environment that is joyful, playful and safe for improvisation and learning. We can explore, learn and experience in a more authentic way.

The project focuses on improving group learning processes by applying improvisational and artistic methods to welcome mistakes with a positive attitude, strengthen self-confidence and free creativity. Holistic approach to learning will be used combining different elements of arts such as movement, drawing, music, visuals, and theatre. We will have the opportunity to work with our inner dancer, painter, musician, performer and storyteller.

The aim of this long-term training course is to empower those who work with groups of young people to be confident and free in experiencing and using improvisational and artistic methods as a tool for personal and professional development in youth work, training and facilitation. 

To achieve this we set up the following objectives:

- to  rediscover  improvisation  skills of youth  workers/educators/trainers  through artistic methods (theatre, dance,  music, painting);

- to  learn and  experience how  to use artistic  methods while working  with young people to improve and foster self-confidence and release their creativity;

- to  reflect  on their artistic learning  as a youth worker  through the experience  of artistic methods (connection  to the inner artist);

- to  create  a space  for the participants  to design, implement and  evaluate experimental learning activities;

- to  create  a network  for sustainability  of the idea by cooperating  and creating new projects.

The long-term training course includes 2 activities, one in Hungary (7- 14 May 2019), and one in the Netherlands (10 - 17 July 2019). 

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 32 participants

from Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Educators

Working language(s):



Egyesek Youth Association (Youth NGO)

Egyesek Youth Association is one of the leading independent youth NGOs in Hungary, member of the informal network called International Synergy Group and several other worldwide networks. Egyesek has 20 years of experience in local-level, grassroot youth and community work, and in designing, guiding and organizing non-formal learning projects, such as community service, exchanges, volunteering, internship programs, training courses and workshops.


  • Grund Theater (Others)

Contact for questions:

Dávid Abonyi


Phone: +3613210495


Participation fee

There is a participation contribution of 100€/participant.

Accommodation and food

The project has been financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The costs related to accommodation and food will be completely covered by the hosting organisation

Travel reimbursement

The travel costs will be covered according to the Erasmus+ standards as it follows:

Activity 1 (Hungary) - 275,00€/person for participants from Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Poland 180,00€/person for participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Croatia; 20,00€/person for participants from Hungary.

Activity 2 (Netherlands) - 360,00€/person for participants from Greece, 275,00€/person for participants from Italy, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia; 20,00€/person for participants from the Netherlands,.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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