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Facilitation Skills for Youth Workers and NGO Leaders

Training Course

9-18 March 2015 | Terceira Island , Portugal

Training Course "Facilitation Skills for youth workers and NGO Leaders" that will take place in the Terceira Island, Azores, Portugal from 9th to 18th March 2015 under the Erasmus+ program.
The main aim of this training is to strength the role of youth work and Non Formal Education in employability by training near new 30 Facilitators in the field of Non Formal Education and Experiential Learning participants have the chance to further develop their competences as a facilitator. Specific Objectives of the Training: - To experiment different Group Facilitation Methods and empower youth facilitators in implementing quality training activities using participatory methods; - To develop facilitation skills and competencies in working with non-formal education above all at local level and disadvantaged areas like the islands and interior of each country; - To share and exchange participatory methods and good practices in order to improve team work and group creativity; - To provide a non-formal environment where facilitators can work in a cooperative way; - To provide the opportunities for networking with partners interested in participative approaches; - To find creative ways to involve facilitators in non-formal education and enhance motivation. Methodology: will be based on the mutual cooperation between participants from different backgrounds and settings, invited them at exchanging proposals and working methods contributing to the European debate on validation and certification of non-formal learning. During the Training will be approached different methods offered by the European framework of Non Formal Education: Group Dynamics and team buildings, Learning by experience methods, Open Space Technology, Theatre of the Oppressed, Learning Circles, Role play, Outdoors Activities, Scenarios simulations, round tables and practical facilitation workshops. • Participants Profile (Very Important): The TC was designed for Youth and Adult community Workers, NGO Leaders, Project Managers that aim to empower their skills in the field of group facilitation and group dynamics. And also for participants that wish to be Youth and Adult community Workers and special if they are young's with fewer opportunities, like NEET category (not in education, employment or training). • Number/Participants: 3 persons by country - residents from Portugal, Hungary, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Lithuania, Greece, Romania and Croatia Partner Sending Organizations: Greenlight Youth Club - United Kingdom Asociación Ser Joven - Spain We Go - Lithuania MOSTart - Hungary Outward Bound Croatia - Croatia CEIPES - Italy UNESCO Club of the Department of Piraeus and Islands - Greece D.G.T - Do Great Things - Romania

Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 27 participants

from Croatia, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, NEET category (not in education, employment or training)

Working language(s):



AJITER - Associação Juvenil da Ilha Terceira (Youth NGO)

The Youth Association of Terceira Island (AJITER) is a non-profitable organization, created in April 2003. Its main objective is to promote the youngsters’ integration in their own communities, fight the generalized indifference among our youth by promoting entrepreneurial attitude and raise awarenesses of European values.
Since 2003 AJITER has promoted a large number of youth activities, in local, regional but also international scope, such as: local youth exchanges, national youth initiatives and seminars under the YIA Programme, summer camps, entrepreneurship camps and seminars, sport activities, local trainings and courses, conferences, congresses, interviews, youth internships, awareness sessions and local environmental campaigns.
All these activities had has it main goal the active participation of young people, assuring the cultural diversity, and inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities.

Contact for questions:

Décio Santos


Phone: +351 295 212 409


The project is funded by the New Erasmus+ Program and travel costs are available according to the distance band calculator (http://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/tools/distance_en.htm) and values for KA1 youth workers mobility. • Reimbursements will be done by bank transfer after the project ends, upon the presentation of full proofs of the travel expenses, original tickets, boarding passes, etc. • Participation fee of 50 EUR will be charged. The participation fee of 50 EUR for the training course will be deducted from the travel reimbursement. • Arrival to Terceira Island: 9 of March (There is only one direct flight from Lisbon at 8H00) • Departure from Terceira: 18 of March (There is only one direct flight to Lisbon at 10H35) Notes: 1) To reach the Island on 9th of March is possible that you need to start traveling from your country on Sunday 8 of March; 2) Expenses with arrivals before or departures after the training dates cannot be cover by the Erasmus+ program or AJITER; Maximum Travel Budget by person and by country that AJITER is be able to reimburse: • United Kingdom (London) - 360.00€ • Italy (Palermo)- 530.00€ • Hungary (Budapest) - 530.00€ • Spain (Santander) - 360.00€ • Croatia (Zagreb)- 530.00€ • Romania (Corbeanca) - 820.00€ • Greece - 820.00€ • Lithuania (Vilnius) - 820.00€ When you return home, you should send to AJITER by post mail the originals of boarding passes and transportation expenses to the following address: Pico Redondo 29, São Bento. 9700-211 Angra Do Heroísmo Notes: • Is mandatory that all the participants make their own travel insurance and travel with valid European Health Insurance Card. • According to Erasmus+ rules only expenses with public transportation and economic class will be considered. Costs with taxi or private transportation will not be covered. • For the European Health Insurance Card please consult this website for more information: http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=509&langId=en

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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