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Experience the LOVE - make a better future

Training Course

14-22 September 2019 | Kildu, Estonia

A training course on self-love and increasing love towards others. We aim to increase youth workers' feeling of love so they could carry the love and the love-creating workshops on to their community. EXTENDED DEADLINE FOR DUTCH & ESTONIAN PARTICIPANTS.


We aim to create a world where people make decisions based on love, as opposed to hate, revenge, fear, greed, etc. For this end we wish to increase the deep feeling of love in the youth. There is no point in building the capacities of people who have the wrong motivation for doing things. The love motivation of an entrepreneur will lead to a community of harmony. The wrong motivation tends to cause social injustice and environmental problems. Motivation matters.

The main objective of this project is to equip youth workers with 1) the attitude of love, 2) knowledge of the workshops/exercises that can be used as tools to increase love to increase the capacities of the partnering organisations, 3) skills for spreading the love in a trustworthy manner.  So the overall objective is to build the capacities/skills of youth workers on disseminating love.
Love doesn't necessarily mean romantic love. Love is a fundamental European value which is the basis for human rights. Increasing love can do wonders to stop the European trend of radicalisation, it works on the root level of people's consciousness. Increasing love decreases hate, therefore hate speech, radicalisation, etc. Love is the cornerstone of tolerance. Love is the fundamental feeling that is required to accept-embrace diversity and intercultural and inter-religious dialogues.

We will work with:

  • being in front of other people without wearing a mask
  • speaking from the whole heart and listening with it as well
  • focusing on the sensations in the body
  • forgiving those that need to be forgiven
  • letting go of what needs to be let go
  • the support within the group and more.

We would be especially glad to be able to provide the feeling of love on to youth workers working with (future) entrepreneurs or leadership skills building among the youth or doing the the important work of supporting the youth one-on-one in their development in their local community. However, we are open and happy to working with everyone. Everybody wins from self-love.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 21 participants

from Estonia, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Türkiye

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



MTÜ Metamorfoos (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Maria Kasepalu


Phone: +372 51 99 49 71


Participation fee

The participation fee is 50€ per participant but
we don’t want it to be an obstacle for
participating, the participation fee will be
waived in case of economic obstacles.

Accommodation and food

The accommodation and food are provided for the full duration of the training course and the costs are covered by the grant.

Travel reimbursement

Spain 360€
Portugal 530€
The Republic of North Macedonia 275€
Slovakia 275€
Netherlands 275€
Turkey 275€
Greece 360€
Romania 275€
Estonia 0€*
*depending on the distance.

Please do not book any flights before receiving a confirmation to your application and receiving a confirmation to your travel plans. The participants are expected to cover their travel costs at first, the costs will be reimbursed after the organiser has received all the expense receipts. Remember to keep all invoices, receipts, boarding passes, etc – without these documents we are unable to reimburse the costs.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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