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ESC/EVS Partnership Building East West Dialogues

Partnership-building Activity

7-10 March 2019 | Utrecht, Netherlands

East-West Dialogues is a partnership building and quality improvement training which aims at setting up high quality volunteering partnerships in which partners from Western European, Eastern European and partner countries cooperate.

East-West Dialogues is a partnership building activity (PBA) and quality improvement training which is supported by a grant from the Dutch Erasmus+ National Agency. The PBA aims at setting up high quality partnerships in which partners from Western European, Eastern European and partner countries cooperate. The training pays specific attention to volunteering partnerships under the new European Solidarity Corps programme.

This intensive networking programme will involve 28 participants from different countries. All partner and programme countries are eligible. Participants will not only get to know each other, but also receive hands-on advice on improving EVS/ESC project management, volunteer recruitment and preparation, expectation management and crisis resolution. The programme is intended for both hosting and sending/coordinating organizations. During the programme, participants will together develop an ESC Quality Improvement Toolkit, consisting of practical tools and templates for drafting partnership agreements, activity agreements, recruitment of volunteers, mediation, mentoring and evaluating mobilities. Experienced application reviewers will give key advice on drafting the best applications with the highest chance of success. Participants will be selected with the aim of enhancing and supporting the cooperation between organisations from Programme Countries and Eastern Partnership countries. 


• To provide information about the Erasmus + Programme in the field of youth and especially European volunteering projects under the European Solidarity Corps. 

• To get to know possibilities of cooperation between Programme Countries and Eastern Partnership countries within the Erasmus + Programme and European Solidarity Corps. 

• To better understand volunteering project management.

• To develop the necessary knowledge, skills and attitude to organise a successful youth exchange with a special focus on youth participation.

• To bring together people working with youngsters in order to create new project ideas of volunteering mobilities within Key Action 1 of the Erasmus + Programme.

Applicants should fulfill the following criteria:

• represent an EVS accredited organization or an organization with the ESC Quality Label

• have some experience with Erasmus+ projects and EVS/ESC projects in particular.

• have some experience in youth work/local youth projects in their country;

• are ready to improve and expand their activities in the frame of European volunteering 

• have good English language communication skills (level B1 or higher)


Programme elements

This 3-day programme consists of the following elements:

• Presentation of the new European Solidarity Corps funding rules. How to write applications. New types of financial support, including inclusion support, complimentary activities and others

• How to recruit motivated participants? How to make use of the ESC database of volunteers?

• How to involve participants in the shaping of project activities?

• Working with youngsters who are not in employment or education. Giving marginalized groups a chance in EVS/ESC, using inclusion support

• EVS Project Management and application writing

• Field visit to Dutch hosting organizations

• Intercultural learning in EVS/ESC

• Crisis prevention, risk management and conflict resolution

• Dissemination & project evaluation

• Creating equal and sustainable parterships

During our PBA, we will use non-formal education methods encouraging participants to active participation and planning future projects.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Partnership-building Activity is

for 28 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors

Working language(s):



Eastpackers | Stichting UcDean (Youth NGO)

Eastpackers | Stichting UcDean is a non-profit foundation which aims at establishing and deepening a sustainable dialogue between the 'old', 'new' and future EU member-states in Central and Eastern Europe, Balkan and Caucasus.
We are involved in EVS/ESC, youth exchanges and organize international study trips for high school pupils, students and young professionals from The Netherlands.
Stichting UcDean is an experienced EVS sending and coordinating organization and the largest EVS organisation in The Netherlands. Stichting UcDean is the only Dutch organisation operating with a Strategic EVS grant.

Contact for questions:

Hans Hindriks


Phone: 0031612113571


Participation fee

This partnership building event is funded under the rules of an Erasmus+ Strategic EVS grant. This means that 80 % of the costs are covered by the grant. 

We therefore ask a small participation fee, which is non-refundable in case of cancellations. This fee is € 119 for EU-15 programme countries, € 99 for other programme countries and € 79 for partner countries. The participation fee covers:

- return flight to/from hosting country

- all transport in The Netherlands

- all meals during the seminar (breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks, including drinks)

- three nights of accommodation

- all training materials and other training related costs

Participants can extend their stay in The Netherlands if they wish, for € 30 per day. Only accommodation and breakfast are provided. No other meals. 

Accommodation and food

All costs for accommodation and food are included in the participation fee and will be covered by the grant received from the Dutch National Agency. 

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs by plane or train to The Netherlands, as well as all transport costs in The Netherlands, are fully covered. 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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