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Empowering Youth Work for A Sustainable Future. Focus on People and Communities

Training Course

5-12 June 2024 | Kaunas district, Lithuania

This training course aims to mainstream the social dimension of sustainability in youth work and empower its participants to contribute to building socially sustainable communities.

The context:

Sustainable development - development that meets the needs of the present without compromising those of the future – begins with respect for future generations. It is a comprehensive concept that seeks the balance between economic growth, social justice, and environmental protection. Furthermore, one of the core principles of the Agenda 2030 – the Sustainable Development Goals - is “Leave No One Behind”. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that different structures promote the culture of social justice, equity and inclusion and empower people to contribute to sustainable development on the local and global levels.

Youth work plays an important role in building sustainable communities. Therefore, empowering youth workers to endeavour for a more sustainable future is important.

About the training course:

This training course is part of a series of 2 training courses that aim to empower participants working with youth to mainstream sustainability principles in their youth work activities. The two courses will have a specific focus on different dimensions of sustainability.

This training course will specifically focus on the SOCIAL dimension of sustainability. Throughout the programme, we aim to empower participants to contribute actively to a more sustainable future by incorporating the aspects of social justice and inclusion into their initiatives dedicated to youth. The training will focus on the following aspects of social sustainability: social equity and justice, diversity and inclusion, democratic participation and empowerment.

Objectives of the training course:

  • Discuss the role of young people and youth work in dealing with major global issues related to social justice;
  • Understand the context and core principles of sustainable development and global citizenship;
  • Explore the importance of taking action towards social sustainability on personal and organisational levels;
  • Practice tools and methods that help young people develop their competencies and strengthen their values that contribute to more just, inclusive and socially sustainable local communities;
  • Explore the role of the Erasmus+ programme towards the promotion of inclusion and social justice among young people;
  • Provide a safe space for intercultural dialogue, sharing, networking and partnership building.

Draft programme (the programme is subject to change considering the background and the needs of the selected participants):


  • Getting to know each other
  • Introduction to the training course, defining expected learning outcomes
  • Group building
  • Global trends, young people and youth work (focus on social issues)


  • UN Sustainable Development Goals and youth
  • Global competence
  • The characteristics of a just, inclusive and sustainable community
  • Local realities in participants’ countries and communities


  • Building and maintaining sustainable relationships within our communities
  • Challenging our stereotypes and prejudices
  • The danger of a single-story


  • Study visit


  • Inclusive decision making
  • Developing the culture and systems of inclusion in youth organisations


  • Inclusive practices in Erasmus+ projects
  • Planning a just and inclusive action
  • Networking, building potential future partnerships
  • Assessment of personal learning outcomes
  • Overall evaluation of the training course

Eligible countries:

  • Erasmus+ programme countries (EU 27 countries, North Macedonia, Serbia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Türkiye);
  • Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine);
  • Western Balkan countries (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro).

We invite participants who:

  • Are youth workers, youth leaders, or educators engaged in youth centers, youth organisations, or any entity providing diverse activities for young people;
  • Are mentors, trainers, and coordinators actively involved in local and/or international youth activities outside the formal education sector;
  • Have medium, minimal or no prior experience in the field of social sustainability;
  • Are motivated to enhance their professional competences, aiming to incorporate social sustainability principles into their daily interactions with young people;
  • Have a connection to an organisation with an Erasmus+ OID number that agrees to serve as a sending organisation for the training course (we expect the sending organisations to support participants in applying the competences acquired during the training);
  • At the time of the training course are not participating in any other Erasmus+ long term project (e.g.,. Student exchange, Solidarity Corp or Erasmus Intership);
  • Have a good command of English;
  • Are able to participate in the entire program of the training course.

The venue: Sadauskų sodyba, Address: Jurbarko pl. 351, Antalkių km., Vilkijos sen., Kauno rajonas, LT 54217, Website: http://www.sadauskusodyba.lt/en/

Application for the training course: Application form: https://forms.gle/VmGMpZc1UzpAebVY8, The deadline for filling in the application form is the 21st of April, 23:59. We will inform the applicants about the selection results by the 26th of April.


Global Citizens’ Academy is an accredited organisation for Erasmus+ mobility activities in the field of youth since February 2022. Our STRATEGIC GOAL for the activities implemented in the framework of the Erasmus+ accreditation in the field of youth is to strengthen the role of youth work in the sustainable development of society by integrating the principles, approaches and tools of education for sustainable development and global citizenship education in youth work activities on local, national and international levels.

Grant agreement no. – 2023-1-LT02-KA151-YOU-000139699


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 26 participants

from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Western Balkan countries

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Global Citizens' Academy (name in the original language - VšĮ Pasaulio piliečių akademija) (Others)

Global Citizens’ Academy (GCA) was founded in 2014 with the aim of promoting active global citizenship and sustainability among young people in Lithuania and beyond. It is built on the fundamental values of social justice, solidarity, respect, responsibility for oneself, other people and the planet, open-mindedness, active participation, cooperation and belief in making a difference. The activities of GCA help to
(1) raise awareness of young people about the global interconnectedness, diversity in societies and their personal role towards fighting global injustice and climate change;
(2) encourage youngsters to explore and understand the complexity of different global issues, e.g., poverty, inequality, climate change, etc.; (3) boost active participation of young people so that they contribute to the sustainable changes in the society by their own action.
GCA develops and utilises programmes, innovative methods and tools, awareness raising actions and campaigns in the following areas of its specific expertise: global citizenship education; human rights education; sustainable development; equality and social inclusion of young people.

Contact for questions:

Indre Augutiene


Phone: +37061615104


Participation fee

There is no participation fee for this training course. 

Accommodation and food

Costs for accommodation, food, local transportation and anything else that will be necessary for the training course, will be paid by the host organisation. 

Travel reimbursement

Travel reimbursement for the training participants will be done following the rules of the Erasmus+ programme. For more details, please, check the infopack. 

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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