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Diverse Media Matters

Training Course

23 September - 1 October 2019 | Newbold House, Forres, United Kingdom

Do you want to work on MEDIA literacy of young people? Are you interested in GLOBAL EDUCATION? Do you want to explore STORYTELLING as a tool of promoting democratic values, inclusion & critical thinking of young people?
 Do you want a more DIVERSE media?


“Diverse Media Matters" is a training course that combines stories, media, global education and active citizenship to empower trainers, educators, youth workers and give them better tools to do their work in these fast changing times. It will take place in a beautiful venue (http://newboldtrust.org) around 1hr east of Inverness in north-east Scotland.


Young people need to learn how to be critical users of media content, and how to be producers of information - not only passive users. They need to be able to create counter narratives to hate speech & single stories and contribute to the creation of a more diverse media.

We want to explore the challenges democracies are facing in these times including environment, refugees, migrants, rise of radical and violent politics, and the ways in which media - in particular, social media - contribute to the creation of stereotypes, prejudice, intolerance and violent movements. Can this be reversed? How can we play our role as educators and youth workers?

With this course we want to facilitate an experience to reflect on all these critical aspects of information society, share and develop knowledge and competences, and explore the impact that mass communication is having on intolerance, development democracy and global citizenship.

We will work with different media, creating content based on various methods & platforms (theatre, blog, comics, videos, photos) & discuss their impact on life & society. We will create opportunities to exchange abilities & knowledge in a non-hierarchical learning community, sharing daily tasks & exploring the values of a more sustainable lifestyle, in a community dimension. 

We also want to strengthen our partnerships, addressing the most advanced educational needs of our targets & focusing on wider topics of greater social impact including global education & the fight against intolerance. 


This course is for those who are active in the field of youth work and non formal learning, including: youth workers; mentors; trainers; social workers & educators.


The programme will be based on a wide mix of non formal education methods, experiential learning, art and creativity.

The idea is examine & reflect on the role of media & communication in our global society, in the formation of stereotypes and prejudice, and in the challenges democracy is facing today. It's a complex topic, and we want to create learning opportunities using a variety of methods including: practical activities; outdoor education;  theoretical inputs; technical tools and software; reflection, discussions, open workshops to encourage critical thinking and personal contributions; debates and moments for personal and group reflection. 

With storytelling, we will learn about story structures, relatable and powerful characters and how to create a compelling narrative. A strong focus will be put on how to pass the results of the course to the organisations and the beneficiaries back home. The dissemination of results, being this a training course on media awareness and use, will have a central role and we will produce infographics and reports easy to share and with a high visibility.

Some of the competences that will be developed during the course will be:
- new knowledge on models and scientific theories (geopolitics, global education) and on mass media history; 
- a better awareness on theories and communication tools, and storytelling forms; 
 technical skills on software and online platforms;
- practical skills (such as photo/video, drawing, comics, blogging);
- knowledge and understanding of different situations in Europe, good practice exchange and development of common initiatives;  
- personal motivation to put all this in practice - the "inner readiness" - tested and developed for example in the activities related to the "Hero's Journey" and in theatre workshops.  


1) to inform and reflect on the evolution of media, & on how to gain critical access to it as users & creators of content; counteracting the spread of violence, extremism & phenomena including cyberbullying, hate speech & online harassment;

2) to reflect on the how media contributes to the formation of stereotypes & prejudices, racism & intolerance & how is it possible to counter its negative effects; 

3) to create learning opportunities on the use storytelling techniques in the work of youth workers & educators on local, national & global levels, & to stimulate reflections on their impact as tools to improve society and the life of individuals;

4) to work on the recent refugee crisis, it’s origins, comparing the situations, problems & solutions of different countries & to introduce concepts linked to Global Education, reflecting on the way we perceive ourselves, the world & others;

5) to create a space to practice the methods & concepts acquired, & develop innovative tools to improve the effectiveness of participants' working practice, as well as the impact of partner organisations in terms of creating eating a more diverse media.


Carmine Rodi Falanga, Italy + Czechia: http://trainers.salto-youth.net/CarmineRodi/
Mafalda Morganti, Italy: http://trainers.salto-youth.net/MafaldaMorganti/
Paul Crewe, Ireland: https://www.developmentperspectives.ie/who-we-are


Steve Gasgarth, Coyote Intitiatives, UK: http://trainers.salto-youth.net/StevenGasgarth/


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 32 participants

from Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Türkiye, United Kingdom

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Volunteering mentors, Social Workers, Educators

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Coyote Initiatives (Youth NGO)

Coyote Initiatives is a non-profit Community Interest Company and Social Enterprise based in North-East Scotland.
We design and deliver a range of trainings, facilitation, programmes & projects, mainly for young people & youth field professionals both in Scotland and internationally.
Our focus is on youth & community engagement and empowerment, using a wide variety of methods and tools including music, arts, technology and nature. We work in partnership with local government, charities, social, youth and other leading organisations to design and deliver projects for young people, especially those with fewer opportunities and from marginalised groups.
Our ongoing projects include ‘True North’ - Outdoor education & group work initiatives for young people and adults, ‘Electrolabs’ – Music & Creative projects for young people, Erasmus+ projects and bespoke local youth work projects.

Contact for questions:

Steven Gasgarth


Phone: +447814771201


Participation fee

For this training there will be a participation fee which will need to be paid upon selection, to secure your place on the training course. 
The fee is according to the possibilities of each participant, on a sliding scale between €60 and €150. Please take into account your personal circumstances, and also the difference in costs and standards across Europe with your fee.
If you need support with this please do contact your sending organisation or us as we do not wish this charge ot be a barrier to your attendance. 
The Erasmus+ grant does not cover all the costs of the project. 

Accommodation and food

The project has been part-financed by the Erasmus+ programme. The costs related to accommodation and food will be fully covered by the hosting organisation.

Accommodation will be provided in shared rooms of 2-6 people. Meals will provided 3 x daily. All meals will be vegetarian. 

The venue for this project is Newbold House (http://newboldtrust.org) in Forres, North-East Scotland. 

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs will be covered according to the Erasmus+ standards up to these amounts:

Ireland & UK (100-499km) 180 €             

Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Portugal,
Slovenia & UK (500-1999km): 275 €             

Greece & Italy: 360 €  

Turkey: 530 €

The reimbursement will be done via bank transfer after the training course.

Visa costs for participants from Turkey will be covered up to 200 €

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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