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Digital Storytelling - Online Training for Facilitators


25 October - 17 December 2021 | www, Belgium - FL

Digital Storytelling (DST) is a powerful youth work tool! Through DST, one can achieve excellent results, especially in work with socially vulnerable groups. It is a perfect system to discuss all kinds of topics, even the most difficult ones.

Invitation: Digital Story Telling Workshops October & November

Have you ever thought of using Digital Storytelling as a tool in your educational, youth or social work?
Digital Storytelling is a methodology that Maks has used successfully for more than 20 years. Through digital storytelling, we achieved excellent results with socially vulnerable groups. It is a perfect system to discuss all kinds of topics with both young and adult learners. At the same time, it is empowering them and enhancing their storytelling and digital skills. A digital story is a personal narrative made of images and a 1 to 5 minutes long voice-over.
Digital Storytelling - Online Workshops

We will teach you the seven steps of digital storytelling and dialogue about ethical issues in a five-day intensive workshop. After this training, you will be capable of facilitating a digital storytelling workshop.
- you will know the different steps of the methodology
- you will obtain the digital skills needed to help your learners with editing, voice recording, subtitling and sharing their stories.
Programme (subject to change/ tailored for the group’s needs):

Day 1: Learn how to explore a topic with your group and how to pose the perfect question to extract a beautiful story;

Day 2: A deep dive in the writing and sharing groups-process of the Digital Storytelling method through the story circle;

Day 3: See what makes a good image and get some great tips on creating your own!;

Day 4: Editing your Digital Story is extremely easy. You’ll see!;

Day 5: All that didn’t fit in the other days!

We still have places available for the following dates:

25-29/10 - 8-12/11 - 22-26/11 -13-17/12

For any questions, consult our coach Petar: petar@maksvzw.org.

Available downloads:


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This E-learning is

for 10 participants

from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Other countries in the world , Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Accessibility info:

This activity and venue place are accessible to people with disabilities.

Working language(s):



Maks vzw (Youth NGO)

Maks vzw is an NGO recognised as non-formal adult education and youth centre, empowering people to create their own success stories since 1999. Maks vzw is located in one of the most deprived neighbourhoods of Brussels, named Kuregem. Most inhabitants here come from an immigrant or refugee background. Within a population of about 25,000 spread over just 2 km2, there are over 112 different nationalities. The rates of unemployment (around 30%) and illiteracy (50% only primary school degrees) are high. In 2013 youth unemployment increased to an alarming 52%. The average income per person is under 700€ a month, which is less than half the average of the Brussels Region. Against this backdrop, Maks vzw offers two open IT learning centres where people can take low-cost courses or workshops tailored to their needs and counselling service, helping people get a job. Keeping barriers as low as possible, we encourage people to actively expand their digital skills to participate in 21st-century society.
Our aim in this is to facilitate social mobility by fighting digital illiteracy on all levels. In the counselling service, we teach them how to orient themselves professionally and how to apply for a job. Maks vzw has about 54 employees, but 25 of the employees are youngsters trained on the job as an educator in multimedia or desktop publisher (graphic design-web design). Annually, Maks vzw coaches about 700 adult job-seekers and 100 youngsters between 18 and 25 years old. In the IT centre, we reach 2700 inhabitants from 6 to 99. Maks vzw has been working for 20 years in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Brussels and Belgium. We aim to activate people and empower them in the labour market and at school.
Our methods are based on ICT education. People from disadvantaged groups are attracted to digital media and are at the same time aware that they are at risk of being excluded. Maks vzw specialises in using digital media to give disadvantaged groups a voice, inviting them simultaneously in a lifelong learning process and an integration process. Taking part in essential dialogues about poverty, elections, domestic violence, and hate crimes, Maks vzw helps people reflect and change attitudes. Our project Capital Digital accompanies youngsters from 15 till 18 to become coding animators and give courses to children from 8 to 12 years. We are currently conducting several workshops with youth at risk where they realise a digital story with their lockdown experiences.

Contact for questions:

Petar Veljacic


Phone: 0032456194448


Participation fee


Accommodation and food


Travel reimbursement


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