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Deep Connections

Training Course

14-22 November 2022 | near Cluj-Napoca, Romania

A course of nature based holistic human development, by using the framework of ecocentric/soulcentric development. A space for restoring and nurturing deep connections with Ourselves, the Earth and the Others.

Deep Connections is an international training for youth workers who want to become agents of cultural transformation, and act as facilitators of nature based holistic human development, by using the framework of ecocentric/soulcentric development. This course is a space for restoring and nurturing deep connections with Ourselves, the Earth and the Others.

The training course will bring together 25 participants from: France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Spain.

Nature, our home, the place of restoration, healing, empowerment, and visions. Rilke once said: “If we surrendered to earth’s intelligence, we could rise up rooted, like trees."

“Deep Connections” is an invitation to get in touch with the Earth’s intelligence, that we find within and without ourselves.

Crafted with soulful passion, integrity, and professionalism, “Deep Connections” is a profound immersion that will bring the participants in deep explorations of three realms:

  • The personal Inner World (the realm of soul, of personal resources, gifts, powers, dreams, visions, longings, personal callings, and mission).
  • The Earth (the realm of the natural world and of the more than human beings).
  • The Others (the realm of the human community, of deep and authentic relations).

The process is envisioned for engaging and enhancing the four human dimensions: the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual.

Deep Connections is an invitation:

  • To live into a way of being that is authentic, deep and sacred, that serves our greater needs, that is grounded and rooted into the natural principles, that invites maturity, imagination, service and wildness.
  • To restore and expand the great sources of inward nourishment and renewal.  We will explore our psyches and cultivate our inner resources and potentials.
  • To prepare for the death of our little life and reemergence in a bigger life in touch with the moving cosmos and our souls. We will feel into what is no longer serving us and into what is calling us to manifest in the next phases of our lives, making space for the gifts of our souls to emerge and come into the world.

Through this course we intend the followings:

  • To create a space of deep transformation and learning, in which the participants can evolve at personal and professional level.
  • To develop the knowledge of those involved, in ecocentric/soulcentric development.
  • To engage the participants in the process of skills development in the themes of the project.
  • To inspire and motivate the participants to become agents of cultural transformation.
  • To support the participants become multipliers of ecocentric/soulcentric human development.

The way we are going to work

Our approach is called ecocentric and/or soulcentric development and it’s a human development approach that is placing the nature and the human soul at the center of its actions. We combine elements of eco-depth psychology, inner work, nature connection, rewilding, indigenous wisdom, non-religious spirituality, art and principles observed in nature.

The themes and topics

We will work with a bundle of topics and themes, such as:

  • Nature based psychological models and tools: understanding the human psyche, our behaviors, and how we function at deep level.
  • Soulcraft practices: solo time in nature, wholing and self-healing work, underworld and upper world spirituality, soul-based work.
  • Self-exploration: connecting with the inner world, our talents, gifts, passions, dreams, longings and personal mission.
  • Meaningful relationships: learning how to support and empower others, by deep listening, asking questions, mirroring, and offering unconditional support.
  • Elements of non-violent communication: developing empathy, connecting with the feelings and needs of the others.
  • Nature connection: experiencing practices and activities for deep nature connection and learning from the natural world.
  • Artistic ways of expression: getting in touch with our inner artist and exploring artistic ways for authentic self-expression
  • Movement and embodiment: getting in touch with the intelligence of our bodies, exploring ways of self-expression and authenticity through movement.

Practices and activities that will be offered

Nature explorations, solo time in nature, presentations, interactive discussions, reflection groups, working in pairs, mentoring practices, journaling, symbolic art, music making, singing, drumming and rhythms, storytelling, rituals and ceremonies, fasting, contemplative practices (silence, meditation, praying), sharing circles and the way of council, dancing, embodiment, authentic movement, poetry, nature connection activities, hiking etc.


Information about training activities reaches SALTO from the most different directions. SALTO cannot be held responsible for incorrect information or changes in the training activities. However, please inform SALTO, whenever you should come upon incorrect data in the European Training Calender. Always contact the organisers of the training activities themselves for the latest information.

Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from France, Greece, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Dreams for Life (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Bogdan Romanică


Phone: +40745585415


Participation fee

Each participant is asked to offer a financial contribution, on a sliding scale from 60 to 120 Euros (each person will choose according to possibilities).

Accommodation and food

The project is financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, thus all the activities, accommodation and food are 100% covered by the EU grant.

Travel reimbursement

The travel costs will be reimbursed to the participants after the course in the amount limit presented in the table below.

Romania - Covered from Cluj-Napoca to the location
France - 320 Euros (green travel)
Greece - 320 Euros (green travel)
Italy    - 320 Euros (green travel)
Poland - 320 Euros (green travel)
Portugal - 360 Euros
Slovenia - 320 Euros (green travel)
Spain    - 360 Euros

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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