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Creating Volunteering Circles


28 February - 6 March 2022 | Thessaloniki, Greece

Aims at developing the overall capacity of youth organisations to effectively manage voluntering projects cofunded with the support of Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps grants.

Creating Voluntering Circles, aims at developing the overall capacity of youth organisations to effectively manage voluntering projects cofunded with the support of Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps grants.

Aim is to build a strong partnership, understand the ESC concept and its importance and to improve the capacity of practical realisation of voluntary projects in the frames of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programme,.The specific objectives of the project are:
- To bring together youth workers implementing volunteering projects and other actions in their organizations and to provide a meeting point for organizations to exchange information, to
establish international partnerships and to support quality partnership development.
- To understand the concept of international volunteering and European Solidarity Corps.
- To explore how Erasmus + Key actions can be implemented in order to support volunteering
- To find ways to promote European Solidarity Corps in local area and to promote implementation ofvolunteering projects.
-To raise awareness of the learning dimension in volunteering and provide tools for learning support
- To offer a participatory program of activities enriched with a variety of methods
-To create new volunteering projects within the partner organisations and to exchange volunteering opportunities.

We wish to achieve the goal by means of successively implementing the following objectives:

  • Expending European network and building partnerships for future collaborations.
  • Sharing experiences and the best practices, as well as learning form the examples and best practices of the other partner organizations.
  • Up-skilling staff/coordinators/supervisors which builds competence of their organizations.
  • Familiarizing themselves with possibilities within Erasmus+ and Solidarity programme.
  • Concrete knowledge and competences of how to create European volunteering network, how prepare high quality application for accreditation and how organize whole process.



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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 27 participants

from Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Greece, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Romania

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers

Working language(s):



InfinityGreece (Others)

InfinityGreece is a creative youth organization started as a non-formal students group in Thessaloniki Greece in 2014. The purpose of our activities is to help young people acquire soft and hard skills in digital media. This is accomplished by involving our members to content creation on Radio, Articles, Video, Photography and Marketing,
Management in Human Resources and Projects, and Technology in Web Design and Web Development. Within the development of the above features, we create the foundations and teachers formal and non-formal learning programs. With the development of the above features we create volunteer and educational, formal and non-formal, educational programs.

Contact for questions:

Aleksandros Nanaj


Phone: +306972982496


Participation fee

A participation fee of 30euro has been set per participant, paid on spot at arrival.
A modest contribution from participants to the project helps to create a sense of investment since participants tend to value what they receive more when they have contributed to it.
Under no circumstances should this be an obstacle for a participant.

Accommodation and food

The project is financially supported by the ERASMUS+ grant.
Thus covers 100% of:

  • accommodation costs (hostel, meals, coffee breaks and materials)
  • travel costs (up to a certain limit, according to Erasmus+ Distance Calculator -see table below)

Travel reimbursement

Participants’ travel costs from their home city to the venue and back, will be reimbursed on actual expenses of the participants and according to the maximum limits based on distance calculator of Erasmus+ program.

Greece 0€
Romania 275€
Hungary 275€
Bulgaria 180€
Estonia 275€
Portugal 360€
Lithuania 275€
Poland 275€
Croatia 275€

Required Rapid-tests for your travel will be covered from the remaining of your travel budget and up to the maximum amount!

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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