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Connection within You(th)

Training Course

3-11 April 2022 | Latvia

This training course is aiming at creating the premises for exploring and embodying a deep sense of connection to oneself and the natural world around us.

CONNECTION WITHIN YOU(TH)  is a 7 day training course bringing 24 people together in  the forests of Latvia. TC  is organized by AANF (LV), working together with two trainers from Romania - Sandra Horea (Actions for Change) and Bogdan Romanica (Dreams for Life).

The main aim of this training course is to develop the resources and competencies of people who work with other people, especially youth, in the fields of personal transformation by exploring and learning a wide variety of concepts and practices such as mentoring, art of listening, nature based learning, storytelling and dream work. We will attempt to tackle and look closer to the existential crises - the loss of meaning  and purpose in life, the so called 'youth disconnection' due to the loss of genuine models. Afterwards we intend to move outwards and look at the global environmental crises affecting humans, fauna and flora of earth and threatening the future of our planet. 



The methods

The methods used during the training will be based on non-formal education and experiential learning and include:

  • exploration of the innate human resources
  • creative expression (storytelling, movement, authentic writing, music, arts) 
  • connection with nature 
  • deepening questions, mirroring, tracking the individual personal stories unfold 
  • holistic education, soul-based work
  • rituals and practices based on wisdom of native cultures
  • somatic and embodied learning

Entering the realm of experience

The participation in this training requires a preparation phase. Those who will be accepted in the training should follow an online learning process (reading different materials, articles, watching videos) related to the topic of the training.

The participants will receive several suggestions for personal work before coming to the program (e.g. journaling on certain questions, self-time in nature and several other invitations).

Applying to this program requires also the commitment to follow the preparation process.

Soul-based work: During the training we wish to create profound experiences. Knowledge, information and facts are very important and will be provided within the training, but what moves us, what drives us to create a long-lasting impact in our field of activity is the joined elements of both intellectual understanding and deep experience processes that unlock the personal wisdom and deep knowing.

Art-based and ritual-based work: We’ll explore the landscape of the psyche through a variety of art practices, including creative expression, self-designed ceremony, solo exercises while wandering on the land, group work, embodiment, movement, voice dialogue, journaling, singing and deep imagery work.

A vision with a task: After the training course we want to pay special attention to the dissemination activities, which will contribute to a learning journey and inner growth of youth work. This phase will be as important as the training itself. We want to create a powerful impact through our project. As a continuation of the experience each participant will have to implement at least one ACTION in their own community.

About the trainers: 

SANDRA HOREA (Romania) - Sandra Horea, is a soul initiation guide, inspired by the wisdom of nature, poetry, myths, symbols and emotions, fully encouraging people to be in intimate and meaningful conversations with their Soul, Earth and the community they belong to. She tends the inner river blood of humans boiling when truth is being spoken. She is a deep, romantic and erotic creature who calls humans to fall in love with the world and therefore with their greater life they are called to inhabit. She graduated depth psychology based Wild Mind Training program and is currently training in Soul Initiation Program (SAIP) at the Animas Valley Institute in the USA.

BOGDAN ROMANICA (Romania) -  When asked by life “What do you have to offer to the world?”, he answered “I am here to guide people find their true meaning in life and empower them to live it”. He manifests his life mission by being a nature based human development guide, mentor, trainer and inspirer. He sees himself as an active agent of cultural evolution, while serving the human Soul, the Earth and the Great Mystery. He believes that rewilding humans is an essential part of the restoration of human culture. In recent years he has felt a strong calling to serve men, by creating spaces and gatherings in which men explore their inner world and get in touch with the masculine energies. He developed his craft by engaging consistently in deep and meaningful work and training with the Animas Valley Institute from the USA (organization founded by Bill Plotkin), the Mankind Project, Illuman and other organizations and teachers. Born in Romania, he feels deeply connected with the lands where he lives, the hills, mountains and forests that spread not far from his city, Cluj-Napoca.




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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Greece, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Youth coaches

Working language(s):



Aluksnes and Apes Community foundation (Others)

Contact for questions:

Lelde Gusta


Phone: +37129397174


Participation fee

no participation fee

Accommodation and food

Materials, activities, accommodation and food are 100% covered by the Erasmus+ grant. 

Travel reimbursement

Romania - 275 euros

Latvia - 20 euros

Iceland - 360 euros

Italy - 360 euros

Portugal - 530 euro

Slovaki - 275 euros

Slovenia - 275 euros

Greece - 360 euros


Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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