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18-25 November 2019 | Bardejov, Slovak Republic

“EduEra” is looking for participants from ERASMUS+ Programme Countries and Eastern Partnership Countries for a 6-day-lasting international seminar for sharing practices in youth work.

The Slovak Civil Society Organisation “EduEra” is looking for participants from ERASMUS+ Programme Countries and Eastern Partnership Countries for a 6-day-lasting international seminar for sharing practices in youth work.

The seminar is targeted at youth workers and managers in youth organisations who are interested in sharing practices and learning from each other in order to …
.… enrich their own youth work and toolbox
… provide better services to young people
… improve the work of their organization and create more impact
… build lasting international partnerships to support each other and run activities together

Two full days of the seminar are reserved for workshops by the participants to share practices, issues and tools in youth work (see agenda here: shorturl.at/yADSW). To present your organisation is not enough, it must be a proper tool or practice that you present that can inspire the others, or an issue you would like to offer a discussion on.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Seminar is

for 34 participants

from Armenia, Bulgaria, Denmark, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Republic of North Macedonia, Romania, Slovak Republic, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers, Volunteering mentors, Youth coaches, Youth researchers

Working language(s):



EduEra (Youth NGO)

"Effective cross-sectorial co-operation"

Our aim is to educate and inform people about educational opportunities, build and develop their competencies and support their active participation and initiative through many various projects in Slovakia and abroad.

Dedicated to youth, their problems, and needs from the very beginning, EduEra undertook numerous activities promoting and enhancing non-formal education. The main activity of EduEra is to find a common way for formal, non-formal education and business sector. Our activities are mainly focused on cross-sectoral collaboration between schools, municipalities, and NGOs. EduEra encourages the active participation of young people in the creation of new ideas and initiatives.

In 2018 EduEra was awarded by Slovak National Agency as the best NGO in the field of non-formal education supported by EÚ, also our training course "TRAINBOW" was selected as a good practice example of 2018 representing Slovakia and the work of EduEra was presented in European Parlament during the European Youth Week in Brussel.

Contact for questions:

Petra Papierníková


Phone: +421907619302


Participation fee

Participation fee of EUR 30 is to be paid in cash in Slovakia.

Accommodation and food

Thanks to funding provided by the ERASMUS+ programme through the Slovak National Agency, during this period all costs for food, accommodation, local transport and course materials are covered.

Travel reimbursement

Armenia-360€; Bulgaria-275€; Denmark-275€; Georgia-360€; Georgia-360€; Greece-275€; Italy-275€; Lithuania-275€; Moldova-275€; Montenegro-275€; Macedonia-275€ Poland-180€; Romania-275€; Slovakia-20€; Spain-360€; Sweden-275€; Turkey-275€; Ukraine-275€;

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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