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Co.Re Experience

Training Course

28 April - 6 May 2023 | Co.Re Learning Center, Portugal

An inmersive experience in the rural village of São Luis, to learn and experience the transition towards a more COoperative, COmmunitarian and COnscious life and living in a more REgenerative, REsilient and REconnected Society and Earth.

Co.Re experience will host 24 youth workers from; Greece, Latvia, Italy, Netherlands, Spain and Portugal in the rural community of São Luis, located in the South West Portugal between 28th of April and 6th fo May.

The Co.Re experience aim to support the transition towards a more COoperative, COmmunitarian and COnscious life and living in a more REgenerative, REsilient and REconnected society and world.  

We will host an inmersive experience in the Co.Re Center in São Luis (Instagram) and we will led the program through non formal education methodologies and experiential learning with the community.

The Co.Re experience is anchored in evolving helthier relationships with ourselves, each other, our communities and the world. And we will use different tools for every layer of relationships.

- Relationship with ourselves through IKIGAI to find our personal purpose

- Relationships with each other through Non Violent Communication to grow through conflicts and tensions.

- Relationships with the communities and groups through Sociocracy 3.0 

- Relationships with the world through The work that reconnects and ecological practices.

The programme also considers to have multiplyer activities after the training in the home communities of participants.

Get more info in the InfoPack: https://tinyurl.com/InfoPack-CoRexperience

Application form: https://tinyurl.com/CoRexp-applicationform

Discover more about the Co.Re Center: https://www.corecentrodeaprendizagem.com/

Application open until 6th of March.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain

and recommended for

Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, Youth policy makers

Working language(s):



GAIA (Youth NGO)

GAIA is promoting ecological lifestyles through non formal education activities.

Contact for questions:

Jose Donado


Phone: +34687806812


Participation fee


Accommodation and food

Food, training and acoomodation are covered by Erasmus +.


Travel reimbursement

We return 90% of travel costs

Latvia - 610E/person

Netherlands - 320 E/person

Greece - 410 E/person

Italy - 320 E/person

Spain- 320E/person

Portugal- 210E/person

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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