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Training Course

17-24 September 2018 | Fondo, Val Di Non, Italy

ACT-ION is a training course which will be address to youth worker, social workers and educators who developed an interest in theatre and are working for social inclusion of young people in marginalized urban areas.
The project wants to focus on the idea of social cohesion, with specific attention on civic and social skills, strengthening participant’s confidence and soft skills and their ability to implement them in their everyday life. The general aim is to promote the use of theatre as a medium to ease communication between young people, the sense of solidarity and, with the Forum-Theatre and simulation techniques, to make possible an experience based path which can help to reflect on the condition lived by marginalized and bullied people. The Forum-Theatre is one of the techniques used in Auguso Boal’s Theatre of Oppressed, which aim to the same purpose of Paulo Freire’s Pedagogy of the Oppressed: the humanization through dialogue and the start of changing from a naïve and fatalist conscience (that lead to a feeling of powerlessness towards the world) to a critical conscience (capable of modifying the context where it lives) make very topical this form of expression, born in ’70 in Latin America. The TC will combine this main part with the use of several non-formal education methodology, used by L’Orma in years of ordinary activities. Physical, expressive and theatrical workshops will be focused on the dismantling of the existing social barriers in the youngsters contexts (schools, cultural and recreative centers, etc.), on stimulating to active participation of every member of a group despite their socio-economical conditions, on easing communication, solidarity and inclusion between youngsters through the development of empathy, which is the first step to accept and understand the otherness. In order to underline the European dimension of the project, participants will have to identify common values, share their points of view and identities with participants from other countries: that means not only the discovering of different cultures, but also the building process of a future Europe, stimulating participants to discuss about topics that concern their communities, in order to find common solutions and give birth to new collaborations, developing a common sense of European citizenship.

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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 25 participants

from Croatia, Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Spain, United Kingdom

and recommended for

Youth workers

Working language(s):



S.S.D. ar.l. L'Orma (Youth NGO)

The Sport and Social Promotion Association “L’Orma” is a non-profit organization active for more than ten years in the field of physical activity exploited as instrument of communication, relationship, fun, learning, growth, knowledge and well-being for young people. The permanent staff is composed by 7 persons that coordinates every year more than 100 educators, developing different initiatives declined in sport, physical and artistic expression (theatre and musical performance arrangements) and playful-recreational education activities.
The organization implements its activities through education and motion laboratories in schools (addressed differently both to teachers and students), through conciliation initiatives for families in public spaces, parks and sport centers, and through free-time events such as summer and holidays camps.

Contact for questions:

Hanna Komar


Phone: + 39 3398607728


This project is financed by the Erasmus+: Youth in Action Programme. According to Erasmus Plus rules, the reimbursement of travel costs will be calculated used a specific program called Distance Calculator. Accommodation, meals and training material will be provided by the host organisation. There's no participation fee from the host organisation. Maximum amount refundable per participant: POLAND 275 euro, ROMANIA 275 euro, UNITED KINGDOM 275 euro, SPAIN 275 euro, CROATIA 275 euro, GREECE 275 euro, CYPRUS 360 euro, HUNGARY 275 euro, ITALY 180 euro.

Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

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