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"3Levels UP in Erasmus+"

Training Course

12-20 June 2024 | Gyumri, Armenia

“Youth Initiative Centre” NGO (Armenia) and Nouveau Départ NGO (France) will host a 8-day international TC on Project Design and Management to increase the quality of projects, its impact, dissemination and MLE.

Youth work is a progressive field that provides space and opportunities for young people to shape their own future and has very important role of encouraging them to take responsibility for others and get involved in shaping society beyond more individual interests. Reaction to ongoing and sudden challenges that European society facing today, CSOs and youth workers react and adapt to the changing dynamics with wide range of approaches they have in nature such as, youth unemployment, refugees and migrants and others. Thus, recognition of Youth Work and Youth Worker as professional sector shaping societies development through the skills and competences is essential. In this matter, “3Levels UP in Erasmus+” focuses on the Erasmus+ KA1 projects with high number of implementation around Europe and Partner Countries Neighbouring the EU thus to increase the quality of the design and content of projects, its impact, dissemination and MLE in order to strengthen the impact of KA1 projects and monitor the further stages and evaluation as such.

Aim: To develop competences of project managers on how to structurally design educational activities within KA1 projects of Erasmus+ programme by focusing on the aspects of its quality, monitoring, learning and evaluation.


  • To transfer knowledge to youth workers, project coordinators/managers about structural and quality design of KA1 projects in the field of youth,
  • To build up skills on the conduct of monitoring and evaluation within KA1 projects in the field of youth,
  • To introduce concrete mechanisms to ensure learning of the participants of mobility projects,
  • To enable an environment for networking and practice sharing in relation to the implementation of KA1 projects.

The project includes three essential dimensions:
➢ Design and structure of KA1 projects
➢ Quality provision of KA1 projects
➢ Monitoring, Learning and Evaluation of KA1 projects

The project will bring together 24 participants. Age limits: 18 +
The participants should meet the following criteria/have the following criteria:

• Involved in organizations as project managers, project coordinators, European Solidarity Corps coordinators, youth workers, mobility project coordinators experienced in youth work but newcomers in Erasmus+ project application development,
• Motivation and interest to take part in a mutual learning process in a very intercultural setting,
• Good level of English to follow the course and ability to participate fully in the event.

* European volunteers under the ESC programme are NOT allowed to participate.


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Training overview


This activity has already happened!

This Training Course is

for 24 participants

from Armenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Moldova, Tunisia, Ukraine

and recommended for

Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth project managers, ESC Coordinators

Working language(s):



Gyumri "Youth Initiative Centre" (YIC) (Youth NGO)

“Youth Initiative Centre” (YIC) NGO was founded in 2008 in Gyumri, based on the idea of increasing youth civic activism and community development by promoting youth initiatives and active participation.

Since 2008, through its outreach and center-based activities, YIC has promoted young people’s development to reach their fullest potential through meaningful non-formal and informal educational, social and cultural activities. Every year, more than 3000 local and newcomer youth, learn how to participate in local decision-making processes on matters that directly affect them, receive significant volunteering opportunities that promote social cohesion and solidarity, and engage in activities that prepare them for meaningful employment opportunities.

Based on principles of equality and equity, youth activities of YIC are open to any young person living in Armenia. Youth can participate in language clubs, workshops, local and international exchange programs, camps, training courses, study visits, internship opportunities, research studies and advocacy campaigns for adolescents and youth.

The vision of YIC: Value generating youth.

The mission of YIC: To promote the development of the young person as a competitive, initiative taking, responsible individual and a citizen.

YIC is the Info Centre for Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps Programmes in Armenia.


  • Nouveau Départ NGO (Youth NGO)

Contact for questions:

Mariam Gharagyozyan

E-mail: mar.gharagyozyan31@gmail.com


Phone: +37477477382


Participation fee

The selected participants will be asked to contribute 25 euro participation fee each (More details are in the Infopack).

Accommodation and food

Accommodation and food of participants are covered by organizers.

Travel reimbursement

Travel costs will be reimbursed per participant per country. Travel budget limits are given below per person, per country, which is given according to Erasmus+ distance calculator:













Participants are entitled to receive a Youthpass certificate from the organiser, for recognition of their competence development during the activity. Read more about Youthpass:

Youthpass Logo
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