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Conference – Symposium - Forum
23-26 April 2025 | Jurmala, Latvia
Designed as a discovery journey, the Forum is open to national delegations (40 participants in total) that are interested in gaining new insights while also exploring the challenges and opportunities of cross-sectoral collaboration in their own local/national contexts. It further emphasises the opportunities offered by the EU Programmes to integrate active participation and democratic values into our work done in different sectors.
The Forum will take place between 23-26 April 2025 in Jurmala, Latvia. 23 arrival day, 24 and 25 full Forum days, 26 departure day.
What can you expect?
A platform to gain inspiration and discover:
A community with whom you can jointly reflect on:
During the Forum, NPiY will launch the results from two mapping initiatives - Mapping practices of cross-sectoral collaboration, including examples of E+ funded projects and Mapping competencies of youth workers & teachers/educators (covering Estonia, Latvia and South-East Europe region), which will provide valuable insights and inspiration for further cooperation initiatives among the participants. The Forum’s programme builds on the outcomes produced in the first edition of the Forum (November 2023) - report available here - and the NPiY Analytical paper “Youth Participation and Citizenship Education: A Cross-sectoral Perspective”. Additionally, it builds on the recommendations produced during the SALTO PI cross-sectoral Participation Forum, organised in November 2024.
The Forum will include a variety of methodologies:
Who is the Forum for?
Representatives from both formal (school) and non-formal (youth work) sectors:
Considerations in the selection of participants:
Application process is open for all participants who match the categories listed above. Selection will be made by each National Agency.
The Forum is part of the Strategic Partnership New Power in Youth (NPiY SNAC), between several Erasmus+ National Agencies in the field of youth and SALTO Resource Centres. This is the 2nd edition of the Forum and is hosted by the Latvian National Agency for Erasmus+ & European Solidarity Corps.
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This Conference – Symposium - Forum is
for 40 participants
from Erasmus+ Youth Programme countries , Western Balkan countries
and recommended for
Youth workers, Youth leaders, Youth policy makers, NA staff; Representatives of municipalities; Other experts
Working language(s):
Latvian NA (Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra) (National Agency)
Contact for questions:
Veronica STEFAN
Phone: +37253749581
To be decided according to the internal rules of each NA. NPiY does not require any contribution.
Accommodation, meals and other logistics are covered by Latvian NA (host of the event) & NPiY partnership.
Each NA needs to cover travel costs of all participants according to internal rules (including NA staff and other selected participants).