Call for Trainers

TC DRIVE - Develop Rewarding, Inspiring Values for Everyone who participates

Bulgarian sports development association is looking for


Application deadline:



DRIVE – Develop Rewarding, Inspiring Values for Everyone who participates is a Training Course (TC) that will deal with the importance of Sport as an tool for education and prevention, promoting social inclusion, culture understanding, human rights and competitiveness at the local societies. The recent years we are observing increasing of aggression and violence of youth in schools and universities. We believe that the values, that sport brings can help preventing and fighting the aggression in early stage by empowering youth workers and sport coaches to deal with this issues through sport games.

This TC will be held in Sofia, Bulgaria – 20-28 August 2016. Duration: 7 full working days activities. The countries involved in the project are the following: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Spain – 4 participants from each country – in total 34 participants.

Target group: youth workers, sport coaches, social workers, youth leaders who have experience in sport activity or who like to use Sport as an educational and prevention method.


Learning objectives of the TC are:

– To raise knowledge and gain new experiences on Sport and outdoor activities as tools of prevention and problems fight;

– To clarify the challenges of Sport as a tool for integration and education regarding to content and methodology, non formal and informal learning process, intercultural learning and impact on local community;

– To create a network of professionals (youth leaders, sport coaches social workers and Trainers) who work with young people with aggression or violation problems using those new methodologies and ready to develop new E+ projects raising awareness on personal, social and professional development during the work activity.

– Developing the potential for young people, with accent of young people from with aggression and violation problems within education and employment.

The profile of the participants:

– Youth /social workers, sport coaches/specialists or youth leaders active within their organization;

– Be motivated to develop their competencies in intercultural dialogue and Sport;

– Already have experience in working with young people, organizing initiatives and projects;

– Be able to act as a multiplier in our local community, ensuring the snowfall effect;

– Have experience or prepare before the TC with concrete examples on the topic of violence from their work with young people;

– Be committed to attend for the full duration of the course;

– Preferable age – 25+;

– Able to speak in English, basic level of language knowledge is required.

Requested trainer profile

The trainer has to have the abilities to:

- Deliver trainings in English;

- Have personal experience in volunteering or delivering similar trainings, with non-formal practices database, that can be implemented during the TC;

- To be able to obtain the learning objectives in the participants;

- To be able to prepare educational materials for the training, evaluation reports, follow-up.

Working conditions

For the approved trainers will be provided: 

* Trainers fee;

* Travel, accommodation and food;

* All needed materials for delivering the training.

We will provide constant communication and help during the preparation, delivery and follow up process.

Team composition

The main team that will be involved in the process is BSDA team, responsable for the project implementation. During the training, we will provide also 2 facilitators, that will be available at all time of delivering the training.

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than: 20.05.2016
How to apply:

Application procedure:

* Please send your CV and short motivation why do you want to be part of "Volunteering for knowledge" to until 20.05.2016

* Please propose your financial (trainers fee) and other conditions, together with your application. We would like to satisfy the conditions of the person we choose, and we believe that this will motivate him to put all his effort in the TC delivery.

* Before 30.05.2016, all the applicants will receive information about the selection results and full conditions of the TC.

* There will be a waiting list, due to confirmation of the availability of the choosen trainer, so you may be contacted after this term.

You will be informed about the selection by: 30.05.2016

For more information

Joanna Dochevska, Chairman
Phone: +359889137478


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