Call for Trainers

Europe Goes Local: Quality in local youth work – a modular seminar for municipal stakeholders (call for trainers)

JINT vzw (the Erasmus+ National Agency of Belgium-Flanders) / Europe Goes Local is looking for

2 trainers

Application deadline:

15 April 2021


The European Charter on Local Youth Work is a guideline towards quality youth work. It tackles the core principles, the importance of youth work policy, it describes the organisation and practice of youth work, the most important criteria on quality development and the role of youth workers.

Europe Goes Local has so far offered conferences, study visits and seminars or training courses on specific topics both at the national and local level. This seminar is a step further on this path as it is a learning opportunity that provides a deeper insight to the themes of the Charter and concretely into enhancing the quality and better recognition of local youth work. It is planned to become a recurring offer at the European level in the framework of Europe Goes Local and it might serve as a model for developing national level training courses and seminars about quality development in youth work.

The frameworks of youth work differ from country to country, community to community. This seminar will address the specific realities of the participants mainly through peer-learning. Besides this, the participants will discuss a variety of theories, tools and practices that potentially inspire them to analyse their specific realities and circumstances and to introduce change when they find it necessary.

The Changemakers Kit for the European Charter on Local Youth work will serve as a reference for the content of the seminar.

The concrete aims of the seminar would be:

  • Deepening the knowledge of the participants on the content of the Charter and motivate participants to take this knowledge home and spread it further within their organisation and to generate change when needed and improve the quality of youth work
  • Introducing tools and good practices which might be adaptable and inspirational for the specific local realities.
  • Offering a (peer-)learning opportunity within EGL about quality development in municipal level youth work
  • Exchange views on local specificities and reflect on the possibilities of improvement in the local realities of the participants.
  • Supporting the internationalization of local youth work via showing links to European initiatives and programmes as well as the European Youth Work Agenda and the Bonn process.

Themes and structure:

The modular seminar will consist of two residential modules and complementary webinars between the two residential modules.

The residential modules will be hosted by municipalities which will take active role in sharing their practices as a host to enable community-based learning throughout the seminar.

The themes of the seminar will be selected via a needs-analysis within the Europe Goes Local network to tailor the modules according to the needs of the participants. This needs analysis plays a crucial role in shaping the focus of the seminar.

Participants will be expected to start transferring the knowledge they gain to their community already after the first module.

Participants’ profile:

  • Members of NWGs and the EGL-process (call only within the EGL-network): persons who are in a key role in municipal level youth work with a potential impact on municipal level policy making
  • 2 persons/country
  • The participants are expected to take part in both residential sessions
  • Number of participants at the residential sessions: 24 people for each residential seminar
  • Complementary webinars: free and open for the public

Requested trainer profile


  • Familiarity with municipal level youth work
  • Experience in facilitating international seminars on-site and moderating webinars (minimum 2 previous experience with residential events and 1 webinar/on-line event). Familiarity both with adequate methods and technical requirements, operation of tools. .
  • Familiarity with the youth sector and youth policy frameworks in Europe, awareness of the role of different stakeholders, institutions
  • Fluency in English
  • Involvement in Europe Goes Local either at the European, national or local level in one of the member countries (advantage)

Working conditions

Tasks of the trainer

  • Prepare the seminar and webinars together with the project team (conceptualisation and flow definition). This implies attending 1-2 online and one on-site preparatory meetings Contribute actively to defining working approaches and methods which ensure the active involvement of all participants
  • Prepare a script for the events which describes the flow, the tasks and the needed support and technicalities in detail.
  • Facilitate the two residential modules and moderate the webinars
  • Work together with the host municipalities of the residential seminars to help enable their preparation for the events
  • Work together with the communication team of the events to support its promotion.
  • Prepare a content report about each event


Duration of the modules: 2,5 full working days each (arrival day - 2 working days – 0,5 working day and departure)

1st module: December 2021 (provisional dates: 6-9 December 2021)

Individual reflection and implementation time between the modules, “homework” done by participants

Webinars: 1,5 hours each – 3 occasions

2nd module: March/April 2022

Financial conditions

Trainer fees: 15 working days/trainer with a fee of 320 €/working day

Travel costs, board and lodging as well as materials will be covered/provided by the organising National Agency.

Team composition

The preparation team consists of the two trainers, representatives of the organising National Agencies, the EGL Steering Group and SALTO TC RC.

Application & selection procedure

Apply no later than: 15 April 2021
How to apply:

Candidates should send their application via e-mail to the project coordinator, Judit Balogh ( Please, send a motivation letter in which you explain all experience relevant to this call and attach a CV or the link to your TOY-profile.

You will be informed about the selection by: 15 May 2021


For more information

Judit Balogh, project coordinator
Phone: +32 2 209 07 20


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