Supporting the competence development of trainers is an important aspect to ensure the high quality of youth worker trainings in Europe. The European Training Strategy therefore calls for the development of a modular system to train the trainers of youth workers by defining a set of essential competences that can be acquired in specific courses and serve to establish a pool of certified trainers in Europe. SALTO T&C RC keeps this subject on its agenda and develops projects in cooperation with NAs and other stakeholders.
The long term cooperation project “Trainer Competence Development” aims at supporting quality development of international training courses for youth workers by supporting competence of trainers.
Trainers are a core element when it comes to European youth work, particularly in the field of non-formal learning. Their professional expertise combined with their ability to perform within an educational framework affect the quality of training activities in a crucial way. This is why the Competence Model for Trainers was developed as part of the European Training Strategy. The well-thought-out set of competences serves as a dynamic framework to be consulted by trainers as well as institutions and organisations who plan non-formal education training activities.
The biennial conference Bridges for Trainers invites key actors to reflect on trends and core issues in the youth field and their effects on the work of trainers. Bridges for Trainers is organised within the long term cooperation project “Trainer Competence Development” aiming at supporting quality development of international training courses for youth workers by supporting competence of trainers.
COMETS (COMpetence development European Training Strategy in the field of youth) is a one week course offered once a year to support advanced trainers exploring a certain competence area defined by the ETS Competence Model for Trainers.
Trainer´s Skills Workshops are training offers of 2.5 days, participants focus on certain skills relevant for their trainer competences to work internationally. The workshops are tailored for advanced trainers who wish to improve their knowledge and skills in certain areas and to reflect their experiences with trainer peers.
The ToT course is a long term training course and takes place over the course of nine months. It targets trainers who want to grow in their professionand work (more) internationally. ToT puts a focus on all the areas of the ETS Competence Model for Trainers. The main goal is to train trainers who are motivated to take part in continually improving the quality of projects under the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programmes.