TEC resources

This space is dedicated to relevant events and resources for supporting TEC.


TEC trainings are constantly developing further. Reflecting the changes in the European Solidarity Corps programme as well as the needs of young people and organizations.

As most of the materials were developed in English, below you can find various training materials developed by various groups of trainers \ experts \ National Agencies.The materials are divided according to the training offer:

  • OAT
  • MTM
  • Annual meeting of organisations
  • Annual volunteers meeting


In 2024, German National Agency is the host for TEC Forum. The main focus of the TEC Forum is Civic Engagement and participating TEC trainers and TEC coordinators from the NAs will have a chance to exchange and develop this aspect of the TEC trainings further. The TEC Forum 2024 will take place in Weimar, city with a strong connection to democratic and antidemocratic movements. Where the topic of TEC Forum is bussing. More: HERE

In 2023, TEC Forum on Well-being was hosted in Sherock, Poland. Based on the topic the location in a spa hotel in the middle of nature was just great for all participants to look into their own well-being and how to create safe and welcoming space for all actors in the project cycle. Here are more information

In 2022, the meeting of TEC trainers with a number of NA officers coordinating TEC took place in Estonia. The overall aim was clear: To promote an integrated approach to TEC, as a quality element in ESC programme
implementation. The current geopolitical and societal challenges, that have an influence on the training cycle were adressed: The war in Ukraine and the impact of COVID. TEC Forum 2022

In 2021, togehter with Bureau International Jeunesse - Belgium French speaking National Agency, SALTO Training & Cooperation, SALTO Eastern Europe and Caucasus Resource Centre and the Centre for International Cooperation in Education - Czech National Agency we co-organise TEC Forum 2021

Also we invite you to discover relevant resources for TEC.

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