Contact Points for Erasmus+, Youth, and the European Solidarity Corps

Your support for project planning and implementation in each country of the region.

The main role of the Contact Points is to provide information about the Erasmus+ programme (youth field) and the European Solidarity Corps in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro and Serbia (only concerning the European Solidarity Corps), in particular:

  • To make available information and relevant updates about the Erasmus+ programme (youth field) and the European Solidarity Corps in English and in the local languages through different communication channels (website, social media, other digital and printed media, newsletters etc.);
  • To reach out to potential beneficiaries with the purpose of informing them about the Programmes and possibilities to get involved;
  • To assist potential beneficiaries by answering questions about the Programmes upon request;
  • To maintain a dialogue and cooperate with other stakeholders supporting the implementation of the Programmes, such as the national and municipal authorities responsible for youth, the delegations of the European Union to the countries and the national Erasmus+ offices.

Additionally, the Contact Points are foreseen to assist SALTO SEE in achieving its strategic priorities in the frame of both Programmes. Representing SALTO SEE in these tasks, the Contact Points are an integral part of a network of key stakeholders supporting the promotion and implementation of the Programmes in the region.

You’ll find relevant updates, advice, project writing resources, and more on our Contact Points official website:

The Contact Points have been selected on the basis of a public call in 2022.


Organisation Contact

Beyond Barriers Association

RR DON BOSKO, PALL Gener 2, Hyrja 1, Kati 6, Ap 47, Tirana

Tel: + 355 69 21 91 795



Ana Mullanji

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Nadbiskupijski centar za pastoral mladih Ivan Pavao II (NCM) – European Solidarity Corps Contact Point

Gatačka 18, 71 000 Sarajevo, Bosna and Hercegovina

Tel: +387 33 788 406, +387 33 766 225



Centar za obrazovanje i druženje (COD) Jajce – Contact Point for Erasmus+ Programme (youth field) 

Sv. Luke bb, Jajce, 70101, Bosna and Hercegovina

Tel: +387 (0) 30 337 828, +387 (0) 30 337 828




Martina Vidović, Mateo Bunjevac


COD Jajce:

Aldin Melić, Samir Agić


GAIA Kosovo

Bozevce 24, 62000 Ranilug

Tel: +383 49 455 037



Helena Poučki and Kristina Zimaj

Community Impact Accelerator – Zid

Serdara Jola Piletića 13, P.O. box 370, 81000 Podgorica

Tel: +382 67 210 848; tel: +382 20 207 130



Mirela Kalamperović
Serbia (only concerning the European Solidarity Corps)

Udruženje Svetlost

Office: Karađorđeva 27, prvi sprat, lokal 40

Tel: +381693884251



Mirjana Dragojević

Serbia is a full member of the Erasmus+ programme. The contact details are:

Foundation Tempus, National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme in Serbia

Youth Unit
Foundation Tempus

Ruze Jovanovic 27a, Belgrade, Serbia
Tel: +381 11 33 42 430, option 5

* This designation is without prejudice to positions and status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

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