Get Active - Exercise
Ask yourself: How do you see your role?
- To help young people to find their own way, to become involved and active
- To pursue a change in the community
- To inspire young people / to create ideas
- To give young people the chance to explore the world
- To give young people a positive self-image
- To offer young people interesting things to do in their free time
- To acquire funding for projects
- To create a strong link between youth work and the benefits to the whole community (no successful community without happy young people:-)
- To do something for 'somebody else' - but also do it for 'yourself' (your chance to learn professionally and personally)
- To open young people's minds
- To offer Non-Formal Education and leisure time activities
- To offer space for self-development and being creative
- To be aware of their identity and find their place in local society
- To give young people an active role - make them responsible
- To be a coach for young people
- To get involved in the young people's 'way of life', in order to design projects according to their own desires and needs
Is there anything missing for you?
- What is the most important feature (skill, competence,..) a rural youth worker needs to have in your village/rural area?
- Why are YOU a rural youth worker?
- What are your personal motivations?
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Mariana (Estonia) "I am a youth worker because I love dealing with the challenges of rural youth, because I want to help people find their own way to become involved and active."
Korhan (Turkey): "Working with young people opens my mind."
Luis (Portugal): "Observing the work I do ... it makes a difference in the community and that keeps me motivated to go on ... and achieve more, as well as involve more young people."
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